ja25 in idea barrages

  • Jan. 25, 2018, 12:03 a.m.
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1.) They needed someone to come in and save their human resources department from itself. Their own personnel Jesus, if you will.

2.) The problem with Access is that fans elevated to very minor celebrity by said access quickly become unpaid P.R. men so as to maintain the access that gives them their niche. Consider the Mets fans uncritical of the Wilpons so they can sell their little shirts & hold conventions.

3.) Don’t be afraid of decency. Decency is not the enemy of your freedom, even if you feel it chafes at your darkest impulses from time to time. Ignore those impulses anyway, they’ll only screw you over. Shared decency is the only real underpinning of genuine freedom.

4.) Aaaaaaand with the X-Files referencing Hugh Everett’s many worlds theory and his son being in The Eels, the zeitgiest has finally caught up to me. Hello, zeitgiest! I’m Mike. I write stuff.

5.) my mind won’t shut off
won’t let me rest and
later when it finally relents
I toss and turn and thrash
fighting sleep and then
a fighting sleep at that

6.) taking down your Christmas lights
stringing them back up side-wards
creating a simulated New York City
or a clear cool night of rotated stars
as if there’s any real difference
twixt the two

7.) When I was little, my town had the Mets low-A team & our cable carried the big league club on WOR. The thought 2 or 3 of them might be down there in 4 or 5 years made it feel like this place could somehow still be important. Like I could still be important, somehow, despite.

8.) The good & bad is I’ve so many damn dreams, I could live them out in ten lifetimes and still not get around to all of them. On the one hand, that’s of course depressing but, hey, it makes getting just the one life’s worth to go through feel all the more precious. Maybe even holy.

9.) Everyone’s allergic to bees, they give us all hives.

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