ja20 in idea barrages

  • Jan. 19, 2018, 9 p.m.
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1.) One of the things that I really loved about the TRAMONTANE CAFE’s tenth anniversary in retrospect was the care Robin and Garrett put into making sure the full spectrum of the Tram’s creative community was represented. Four or five poets, four or five stand-up comics, a couple of dance acts, the puppet troupe, it was marvelous seeing spoken word and performance mixed in with all the music.

2.) Compassion is a psychic virus. Spread the hell out of it. Be the deer tick that brings down the dread beast Hate.

3.) Another good sign with my health, I fit in 2XL shirts again! My new The Old Main shirt I got at Tram 10 fits beautifully!

4.) Here’s the thing, because fat weights less than muscle, Trump COULD be 240. Not an ounce of muscle on that dullard.

5.) Maybe it’s not so much that power corrupts, maybe it’s just that the corrupt are drawn to power and we have a system that encourages the corrupt to seek it for their own means.

6.) How someone could be so morally bankrupt and repugnant so as to prop up a con man and admitted rapist like the fake president Trump, just to further their own ends, I will never understand for the life of me.

7.) We’re all the products of where and who we come from but we’re products of ALL the things we come from and we get to choose what bits we move forward with. Nature/nurture, free-will/determinism, these are false dichotomies, it’s both. It’s always both.

8.) The Earth is a big ol’ passenger plane, you gotta have your own mask on if you wanna be able to help others too. Self-care. Self-care, babies, that’s all.

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