o10 in idea barrages
- Oct. 9, 2017, 3:49 p.m.
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1.) More than anything, IKEA sells the illusion that building your own stuff poorly is better than paying a little extra to have it done right.
2.) At this point in the Trump junta, we’re only alive by some miracle of quantum immortality. In 99.99% of projections, we’re already a cinder.
3.) There’s something sticky under all those swords, the gum of thrones.
4.) Canada can experiment with culinary abominations like poutine and Clamato because their stomach pumpings are free.
5.) The fact that Ghostbusters was a movie is the only reason Viagra wasn’t able to call itself “Stay-Puft”.
6.) A leap of faith is just a trust fall where you don’t have the excuse of not seeing what you’re falling toward.
7.) I feel exhausted and emptied out. Side-effect of the dietary change? Something positive to get me out of a long rut seems needed, Universe.
8.) Christopher Columbus was a butcher, a rapist and a thief but he did it all in the name of Jesus so of course Republicans love him.
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