222 in idea barrages
- Feb. 21, 2017, 10:38 p.m.
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1.) I often wonder how much my needs/desires/viewpoint are shaped by running on the operating system of late 20th century American English.
2.) Events remind us that if someone’s screwed up and monstrous enough to be a neo-Nazi, that’s probably not the only way they’re monstrous.
4.) Sleep is a myth made up to make us feel bad for laying around thinking.
5.) The title of your “DuckTales” erotic fan-fiction series will be so obvious, I don’t even have to type it here. You already know.
6.) “You put it in the bag and cut off the tip” both describes making a DIY icing piping tool and getting a guy drunk for adult circumcision.
7.) Going through my bags before travel, I discovered the 2nd saddest four word story: “Expired condoms, never used”.
8.) England reverted from cosmopolitan to damn-near Stone Age when Rome collapsed. Within about two generations. This is what we fight.
Squidobarnez ⋅ February 22, 2017