126 in idea barrages

  • Dec. 6, 2016, 3:22 p.m.
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1.) The hum of the fluorescent lights bleed out queasy faded green, not because they forget the words but because they hate what the words mean.

2.) Forgiveness and blame are the easy plays, contextualization, explanation, justification, empathy, these are the things of hard ugly work.

3.) Putting on Darth Maul make-up is really just getting Sith faced.

4.) I saw a sasquatch with diner menu in his hands/his waitress’ name-tag said “Tammy”/maybe ordering an All-American Slam/maybe Moons over My Hammy. Awoo, sasquatch in Dennys, awoo. Awoo, sasquatch in Dennys, awoo.

5.) I feel like maybe my optimal lifepath is as a muse-boyfriend-ideaman for a woman who makes her living being weird on youtube.

6.) What third kind of music would a third generation of Cyrus ruin? Skiffle? Dance hall? K-Pop? Zydeco?

7.) When in the sugar fields, very few will get your “Someone left a rake out in the cane!” joke but those who do will LOVE it.

8.) You know me, just puttin’ the “heat” in “heathen”.

9.) Your intentionally bad metal band will be called Blech Sabbath. Your mascot will be Alfred E Neuman w/ a pentagram carved into his forehead.

10.) “Merkin” is so crude, they prefer the term “area rug”.

11.) A road race on the Thruway from Syracuse to Albany and back could be called The 36-24-36 legitimately.

12.) The ladies consider me a real MISF. (Manchild I’d Settle For.)

13.) If I were an impressionist, 140Characters would be a boss Twitter handle.

14.) If a naga and a centaur had a kid, how many limbs would it have?

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