An OD/PB Survey. in The Napkin.

  • May 25, 2016, 2:57 p.m.
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From: Gilraent

What does your online diary name mean, and why did you pick it?
My name is Timmy, and I am very Timmy™.

When did you first get an online diary?
November 29, 2001. I can’t believe I remember that.

Why did you first start an online diary?
A friend told me to join, and I wanted a repository for my writings.

See above.

When writing an entry, do you believe you are writing for you or the reader?
Always both. I try to write in a style as if someone is actively listening to me. Some are inane thoughts which I thought I’d share, and other entries are very personal but ultimately something I feel comfortable sharing.

When writing an entry, are you completely honest?
If you’re good at englishing, you can dodge details of your life without outright lying.

Describe your writing setting:
I’m in my underwear, my gym log is open near the LCD, and my phone’s vaguely to the left. Some clutter to the right. Two little speakers on either side of the LCD.

Is anyone that you know (in real life) allowed to read your diary?
Nope. Don’t cross the streams. Well, nobody that I first met in person. I’ve met some online homies, so now I know them in real life. Does that count?

Do you know anyone in real life with a diary, which you are allowed to read?

Has anyone found your diary that you really didn’t want to find it?
Somehow, no.

Do you believe writing in your online diary is therapeutic?
Between day-to-day babbling and grand sweeping reflection, it’s a great way to organize thoughts.

How many entries do you have?
PB is apparently 778. Had to utilize the waybackmachine to guess about OD.
I would estimate at least 5000. Maybe 6000. Obviously can’t log in to find out. I do have my diary archived, but I’m not spending an hour counting individual entries. (And yes, I memorized my “authorcode” number years ago.)

Do you have any entries that are private?
Not that many, but some.

If you answered yes to that, (without getting too personal), why don’t you want people to see them?
Some are inane thoughts or reminders to myself, others are just things I didn’t feel like sharing.

How many favorites do you have?
I follow 32 people, and am followed by 46 people.

Do you know who your first favorite was?
My friend Emily, who introduced me to OD. I can’t remember her handle offhand.

Have you ever written an entry while too intoxicated?
I used to have a tradition of posting a drunk July 4th entry.

Do you feel accepted by the diary community?
Even our Kinky DiaryMaster “Bang Bang” Bruce commented on my posts now and then.

Have you secretly fell in love (or had a crush on) a diarist?
I don’t keep my loves secret.

Have you ever read an entry that really moved you? What was it about?
Huh. “Moved.” I do reach out to people now and then, but moved as in feeling a personal change in my life? I’d say no.

Has anyone written an entry that made you cry?

What are your favorite kinds of entries to read?
Concise enough not to be intimidating to finish, but long enough to say something. Of course, witty quickies are always good. I just can’t stand walls of text. I’d err on the side of too many line breaks than not enough.

After writing an entry, how long do you wait to see if you have notes?
Half hour? Depending if I’m doing something. If I’m wise, I’ll just forget I posted it and move on with my day.

If you don’t have notes, do you feel let down?
Not anymore. The days of getting twenty notes per entry are over, and that’s okay.

How many notes do you usually get?
Rarely more than three per entry, if I get any. I don’t feel like verifying that assumption.

Did you know the more notes you leave, the more notes you get?
Okay, survey-maker, did you know bananas are an excellent source of potassium?

Gotta love the dancing doctor.

Do you delete mean or nasty notes?
Once in a blue moon. Better to just walk away than be trolled or triggered.

Have you ever left a nasty note and not signed your name?
No. If I’m going to be an ass, I’m going to own my assdom.

Have you ever left a note on a person’s diary just to make them feel better?
I like leaving positive thoughts without some sense of directing what someone should do.

Do you keep a paper copy of your online diary?
I have a couple entries from a private diary printed, but I wouldn’t kill the trees required to print my Diary.

Do you go back and re-read your past entries?
I used to back when OD was live. I’d reflect a lot.

What’s the most interesting thing you can think of about OpenDiary?
That Poptart/Kelly totally called that this guy named Dan was faking his diary. It was totally worth me nicknaming him BIGGAYDAN to goad his homophobia. True story.

Any OD project you’d like to pimp? How about a PB pimp?
I don’t understand this question. Pimp, as in promote a person for the sexual use of others and taking a cut of their pay? I wouldn’t participate in that. But if you do, kids, always use condoms and treat your prostitute with respect. Prostitutes are people, too.

Last updated May 25, 2016

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