straight up melancholy barrage in idea barrages
- Dec. 5, 2015, 9:44 p.m.
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- Public
1.) Deep Space Nine was named after Jerry Garcia’s hands.
2.) What’s orange, rocky and plays a sick guitar? B.B. THING
3.) Inside Schrodinger’s Box is either “I have a boyfriend” or “I don’t have a boyfriend but you’re weird”, why bother spoiling the surprise?
4.) We brush up against destiny and disaster, in terms of probability, every single moment, it’s only a matter of how many sigma away they are.
5.) This whole art thing, it’s all just love and Dear John letters to the people that we’ve been or could’ve been, isn’t it.
6.) For every Star Wars spoiler you post, at least post seven fake spoilers too so that people can still be KIND OF surprised.
7.) “When will it get better again?” “If you really must know, it won’t. Best to find something new that’s good and focus on that instead.”
8.) All Abraham’s religions have agreed, they’re gonna try to figure out how to get the bombs to drop now so they can see who wins on points.
Squidobarnez ⋅ December 07, 2015