824 in idea barrages
- Aug. 24, 2015, 8:30 p.m.
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1.) If you’re only knocking over the moneychangers because you think you’d be a slightly better moneychanger, you ARE the problem.
2.) The religious vlogger caught in a huge hypocrisy, his excuse was “it was before I was internet famous”. This is where we are now.
3.) Pretend you think The Untouchables was about FBI agents with really bad OCD.
4.) As I am an old, I hate how video game consoles aren’t all wood-grain anymore. I want a Wii that looks like a station wagon.
5.) I mean, someone must have shot a zombie mafia movie called “Don Of The Dead”, right?
6.) The real money is in a fusion of Christian Mingle and Ashley Madison, to hook up fundamentalist adulterers with each other.
7.) Imagine how much better the showdown would’ve been if the corral had been more than just OK.
8.) The same people who didn’t realize Andrew Dice Clay was an ironic character you were SUPPOSED to hate are the Trump supporters.
9.) It would’ve made more money had they named it AMERICAN ULTRON, clearly.
10.) Straight outta patience with a meme that was funny for about five seconds.
11.) I am not entitled to, I do not deserve, yet I still cannot deny my longing.
12.) Privilege’s anger over a perceived slight loss of that privilege being re-packaged as populism is REALLY getting old.
13.) Chewbacca’s son Lumpybacca would later write a tender memoir about his mother “I Remember Mala”.
14.) Maybe the characters in PIANO MAN wouldn’t be so depressed if they didn’t have to listen to Billy Joel.
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