j24 in idea barrages
- Jan. 23, 2025, 10:21 p.m.
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Did Jimmy Buffett ever write a song about a depressed man going to the doctor and being prescribed some “Vitamin Sea”? It just seems like something he would’ve done.
A Shrek / Dragonballz mash-up involving the line “He’s Ogre 9000!”
Why didn’t Optimus Prime need to go to school? Turns out he was an auto-didact.
Wouldn’t it be interesting if, all this time, Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band were actually werewolf hunters hiding in plain sight?
I’ve been pitching “Rich Tapestry” as a pen name for a long time, but I’ve also decided “Holden Court” is a pretty good one too.
Why say “legalized marijuana” when you can say “bowl eligible”?
A spicy vegetal angry spirit. A Pepper Oni, if you will.
Why call it your “ass crack” when you could call it “the bottom line”?
Squidobarnez ⋅ January 24, 2025
these made me smirk-laugh a whole bunch.