july 13 in idea barrages

  • July 13, 2024, 1:53 a.m.
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  1. Don’t call it your “list of weird fetishes” call it your “boner fides”.

  2. In that one Steven Seagal movie “Under Siege” back when he was funny-bad instead of sad-bad and he played a Navy Seal/chef, did anyone ever ask him “Where did you learn that?” “CIA” “Central Intelligence or Culinary Institute?” “Yes”? Or is that just too clever for a Seagal film?

  3. RAMPART would’ve been so much more popular if they had branded it BATTLE TETRIS.

  4. I hope Mario Mario and Princess Peach name their daughter Amy so that everyone can greet her with “Hey! It’s A-my Mario!” and eventually she just runs away and changes her name to Jane Jones or something.

  5. I specifically collect stuff only I would like so that I can afford to collect it and then I see a VCR boardgame on ebay for 20 plus shipping and I just wanna punch Adam Smith in his invisible gooch.

  6. My brain is mashing up Alice In Chains ” I Stay Away ” and The Flys ” Got You Where I Want You ” and it might be the first time in 20 years anyone thought about The Flys, even it’s former members.

  7. I am a Halloween centrist, in that I do not like eating candy corn but I find it to be a fine inedible decoration.

  8. M. Night making a watchable film again would be the greatest twist of all. Classic M. Night.

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