dc18 in idea barrages

  • Dec. 17, 2023, 2:10 p.m.
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  1. If you aim for the stars with the correct trajectory, you will quickly die in the frozen vacuum of space. If you aim for the stars and end up shooting the moon, you will quickly die in the frozen vacuum of space. If you aim to help others, you might get eighty years to try.

  2. I don’t know if I could be a motivational speaker but I do think I’d be a hell of a motive-questioning speaker. Less “YOU CAN DO IT” more “EXAMINE WHY YOU ACTUALLY WANT TO DO IT”.

  3. Using peanuts as caltrops can give your enemies a bad case of Planters’ Fasciitis.

  4. Massage and nano semi-conducting can both involve light compressions.

  5. “But why clone giraffes? We already HAVE giraffes!” “…for Giraffic Park, dummy.”

  6. If the prequels hadn’t been awful, we could’ve had a Kit Fisto plush toy with the same theme song as the “Kid Sister” doll that was marketed as the distaff to “My Buddy”. Just another brilliant thing ruined by Lucas’s splendid isolation from human reality.

  7. Your executives were so preoccupied with whether they could make a sequel, they didn’t stop to think if they should.

  8. Say what you will about his difficulty with alcohol, his ability to walk when drunk was simply staggering.

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