6.8 in idea barrages

  • June 8, 2014, 5:39 a.m.
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1.) His angel tells him "stare at what the humans are doing" and his devil demands "frantically bite your left hip!" It is an endless struggle.

2.) You set the camera on the ground and it spins to get a 360-degree image. It's Curlyean photography.

3.) Hiddleston and Cumberbatch should be the names of heart throbs in 1870s London, not nowahere now.

4.) Don't write for a perceived market. Write so specifically for yourself that people will identify w/ your passion w/ or w/out your niche.

5.) My extreme luck at stumbling into interesting situations craps out when I'm stuck in a rut and can't stumble far. Catch-22 kinda thing.

6.) A true arts and crafts addict can end up strung-out on actual string.

7.) Driving home, a right-wing conspiracy AM radio show claimed that we made the Slenderman meme into a real thing via MAGIC. America.

8.) I certainly hope there's no such thing as objectivist Brony fan-fiction but if there is, I hope it's called "Atlas Hugged".

9.) to the tune of BERSERKER: you're not as good as Baja Fresh/CHI-POT-LE/but better than Moe's, I guess/CHI-POT-LE/CHI-POT-LE!

10.) If they admitted big-sport big-college athletes are rarely allowed to take real classes, that'd sink the "WE PAY THEM EDUCATION" thing, huh?

11.) Tent Devil is ready to clean your tent. It's steamin' mad at yurts.

12.) Whenever I see Zoidberg freak out in the gym, I can only think "JOCK LOBSTER!"

13.) A version of DON'T CRY FOR ME ARGENTINA about the Ocarina of Time would acquire maximum nerd density.

14.) My neologism for a con-artist who profits off right-wing nuts by peddling imaginary conspiracies is "svenghazi". Pass it around.

15.) Optimus Prime, lost in Southern California! Where in the world is car-man? San Diego?

16.) Because yes, advertisement, the difference between starvation and buying a yacht would be a slight savings on car insurance for most of us.

17.) I've realized my spirit animal is the Highlander TV Series. We are both surprisingly great at our best & head-shakingly stupid at our worst.

18.) Having too many choices at once is like a little death. That's why they call it an or-gasm.

19.) Go all in or throw it away. The bastards took the half-measures back when they killed the middle class. No more hobbyists. Blame lobbyists.

20.) If forced to listen to American classic rock radio for a day straight, I imagine even Led Zepplin would get sick of Led Zepplin.

21.) Sometimes the only way to not give in to the anxiety triggers is to diffuse myself into my absent-minded side. It's annoying but necessary.

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