barrage template - Copy (2) in idea barrages

  • May 25, 2014, 1:01 a.m.
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1.) I love when crazy conspiracy theorists exaggerate their accents to sound wiser, Ancient Aliens harpin' on HAARP again.

2.) Supersheep's only weakness is exposure to woolite.

3.) Yes, it's awful to be sane in an insane world but it's even worse to be in a crazy world when you're the wrong kind of crazy.

4.) Plants that rise in spring in the Adirondacks then die to a May frost suffer from an early germination fee.

5.) It's a show about how great my butt is. It's called "Buns of Manarchy".

6.) Forget The Maine! Ship happens!

7.) To this day it still bothers me that leads me to jerks trying to sell me knives not pictures of beautiful tall women.

8.) The butcher knows how the sausage is made better than we do but only the ground up meat itself knows the process in total.

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