Everybody Dance Now. in The Napkin.
- April 17, 2021, 11:40 a.m.
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When I changed the attribute of virginity* on my character sheet, I made sure Led Zeppelin was playing. Specifically, the B-side to Physical Graffiti. This was entirely intentional. I’m a bit blurry on when I made this decision. Not sure if it was a few years, or traced further into dancing in my room as a teenager, in the darkness that was illuminated by a single candle.
To think I used to write poetry a lot easier. At times, feels like it is easier to decide who you are and then just be when we were younger. “To do is to be.” “To be is to do.” To feel ‘I like these attributes, I shall adopt them.’
Almost glad I don’t specifically remember which specific song was playing. Oh, the experience itself was fine. For all her faults, she was very patient with me. That’s dang important..
So anyway, this came to mind because it occurred to me that I’ve never boinked to Slayer. (Hey, Pandora was playing “South of Heaven”.) I should add it to my bucket list. Is sexual bucket list a thing? I’m sure I have mental scenes** that I haven’t written down.
**Don’t take the word ‘scene’ to an extreme. Doesn’t need to be heavy BDSM. A scene is simply something you talk about and plan beforehand. A loose script so both parties know what the other wants, within certain bounds. As well, discussing contingencies if you decide to go off-script proper. Never hurts to ask beforehand “If I’m not in the mood for x at the time, is it okay if we transition to y?” Communication = <3
After all. Any chick obsessed with their PERFECT WEDDING is, in fact, creating a scene. A script to be followed.
Where was I? Oh right, Slayer.
Could be soft and sensual. Or. “Raining Blood” or “World Painted Blood” could be nice anthems to period sex or red wings. Ha ha.
Actually, I don’t have anything specific in mind. Been years since I’ve boinked to music. Come to think of it, I’m not sure I have ever put on music since. Huh.
:: shrugs :: Can’t think of a title, guess I’ll use what Pandora is playing now. It’s what so many did in OD days, ha ha snort.
*Some take issue with the phrase “losing your virginity”. I personally don’t. It’s that being an articulate pedantic bastard takes practice. I could write an entry on how “gay sex” has no specific physical meaning and neither does “gay virginity”. However, I feel that in heteronormative terms, having anal sex does retain your virginity. Though, it makes you a butt slut. Pick your poison, bitches.
Last updated April 17, 2021
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