littlefallsmets ⋅ 45 ⋅
I write words, I sometimes get to perform them out, sometimes I'm even paid. And I'm trying to get it right, get it right.
with enough repetition, your flaws become your style
Entries 5,196
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the reason for the season in poetry
1. the reason the rich folk love the idea of Jesus so much is His magic did all of the work they don’t want to do, it’s too resource-intensive, it’s so very beneath their entitled notice all that...
aug 29 in idea barrages
Someday, whenever Ric Flair passes away, will his ghost go “Wooooo!” like every other ghost or will part of his eternal reward be escape from his catchphrase? I’m still disappointed that FULL...
aug 28 in idea barrages
If you combine three words with two & signs, that’s an ampersandwich. Everything going on in America right now, you’d think it was cursed because it was built on an ancient Native America...
albany and back in poetry
thirty miles of driving rain I’m only half-way home a stack of scratched CDs otherwise in here alone just mudflap splash and thunder cops won’t let you use the phone thirty miles of driving ra...
aug 27 in idea barrages
At this point, the best we can hope for is that when future civilizations/aliens pick through the ruins of our civilization and try to reconstruct our culture, they’ll confuse and conflate Forr...
aug 26 in idea barrages
The sign “NO HORSEPLAY IN THE POOL” meant their hopes for a summer production of Equus were pre-emptively dashed. It is not entirely out of the realm of possibility that there used to be a mo...
prompt "toes" title "so small the moon" in misc. flash fiction
Our neighbor Walter seemed born-old to me, of course, because I was three when I met him. He lived with his father who may as well have been Methuselah, gnomic, Yoda-like, smoking a pipe on that ...
aug 25 in idea barrages
I like trying to convince people that “Chachi” is some other country’s word for “vagina” so they thought the show was about a lesbian named Joanie. Now I just wanna write a parody of Day-Oh a...
aug 24 in idea barrages
In my sleep, these parody lyrics of Slip Slidin’ Away came to me: “I knew a man, he came from Gothamtown, he showed his passion off for justice in a war with clowns”. A mob forms in front of ...
aug 23 in idea barrages
You know, I don’t think Dave Grohl wants or needs Mr. T’s pity. In Britain, do they call large garages for trucks “lorry holes”? A newsletter for Disney fanatics should be called “The Walt ...
aug 22 in idea barrages
The problem with idealists is that unless they have their ideal, and immediately, they will tear down any progress for the sin of falling short of their goal. Ideals are wonderful for inspirati...
aug 21 in idea barrages
Freedom Patriots (TM) where are you with your make-you-feel-like-a-big-man murder sticks you’re so proud of, when police are attacking protestors in the streets? I thought you were all Don’t Tr...
aug 20 in idea barrages
Rome burns while Nero golfs. An Uptown Funk/Rammstein mash-up involving the line “Du hast? Hast damn.” I could not care less about some rich jerk piggybacking his billionaire space vanity p...
prompt: holler, title: places in-between in misc. flash fiction
Sophie would wander out, sometimes, to the holler in the countryside at the edge of town. It was the kind of place the old folks spoke of fondly, where she and her friends had run wild when they ...
aug 19 in idea barrages
How Hanna-Barbera hasn’t sold the idea of “Captain Craveman” to some fast food joint, I will never know. The tabletop RPG for roleplaying as a member of my family will be called Hoarders &...
aug 18 in idea barrages
How are we going to break it to the Spice Girls that what we want, what we really really want is for ALF to come back, in POG form? Your chiptune DJ name will be “Christopher Walkman”. The ...
double meanings in poetry
because you’re threading the needle of dreading the real but you’re threatened by weedles and those playing long-cons while you’re left there just waiting to up to...
aug 17 in idea barrages
Create an imaginary form of Italian line-dancing and declare yourself “Lord of the Danza”. Sometimes I want to write a story about the Norfolk City Hall trying to put up the Ten Commandments ...
aug 16 in idea barrages
If we could take the irrational hatred of Andy Cuomo by rednecks and fringe-lefties alike in New York State and just somehow transfer it to Rivers Cuomo, we may still yet find an end to the sco...
Took an honourable mention in a poetry contest! in life stuff and misc.
Okay, a humour poetry contest, very much my wheelhouse! Won 100 bucks, even! Check it out. People can win or place in these kinds of things, it happens. There are so many great writers here, you ...
aug 15 in idea barrages
I feel like we could really make some cynical money selling “Placename Strong” tee-shirts. All the petty little prepper power fantasies dissolve like candyfloss in rainstorm when faced with a...
aug 14 in idea barrages
They’re exactly like Lunchables except Mitch McConnell’s face is printed on every cracker and they’re just called Punchables. Two aging disgraced bumbling cops take over security at a trendy ...
no no, it's just my allergies in poetry
when this passes if this passes I will feel naked without a mask on when this passes if this passes I will hesitate before I embrace in public and I apologize in advance when...
a modern proposal in poetry
we cannot say with any certainty Rachel Ray has eaten human flesh of course that would be absurd unprovable libelous defamation we have no proof TV’s Rachel Ray has feasted upon the lo...
when it stops in poetry
I dreamed of a record found up in the attic when played it looked just like teevee static which hasn’t existed since they killed analog but something was calming in that random fog grooves sp...