littlefallsmets ⋅ 45 ⋅
I write words, I sometimes get to perform them out, sometimes I'm even paid. And I'm trying to get it right, get it right.
with enough repetition, your flaws become your style
Entries 5,158
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dec 22 in idea barrages
A cult leader who forces his followers to workout to death called Gym Jones. I respect the Keurig machine for its tenacity in its endless requests for descaling and the water filter being cha...
dec 21 in idea barrages
Even if you love the hell out of football, you have to admit it’s gross how in the middle of a plague, so many people are acting like “well, football’s back! everything’s normal again!” because...
dec 20 in idea barrages
Cloning time, three more times for alcohol, so get those other mes two beers. Cloning time, one of me could go home while those two stay here. I KNOW WHERE TO GO TO GET SOME CLONES, I KNOW WHER...
dec 19 in idea barrages
Yes, I was just rapping “I just don’t trust investments, no dividends, no dividends” what of it? Whenever “Ahhhh!” is used just in text, I don’t read it as “AAAH SCARY” I read it as “AAAH REF...
dec 18 in idea barrages
The deaths by COVID-19, a health crisis nearly every other civilized nation handled at least twice as well, that body-count is currently around 70 times that of the September 11th attacks. And ...
prompt: band, title: the roadie less travelled in "the next big thing" flash fiction
“What was he like, Frank?” “Who?” “Zevon,” I asked the sasquatch, half honest curiosity, half changing the subject, “you must have some crazy stories, working the road for Warren Zevon.” Frank s...
dec 17 in idea barrages
The problem with pointing out that Trump lied is that the people who voted for him don’t care. They think you lie to “win” and that’s fine. He bragged about his many rapes into a live mic and t...
dec 16 in idea barrages
Every time I see a “SNAP-ON” sticker on the back of a truck with a little wrench as an act of performative masculinity by some dude with a pristine pick-up he never uses for work, only for show...
dec 15 in idea barrages
A cafeteria for berserker vikings called The Flyagaric Munch-Room. A Mork and Mindy fan-fiction competition called NanooNanooWriMo. I hope that when the wreckage of our culture is found, th...
dec 14 in idea barrages
There’s no easier way to set yourself up to be tricked & used & exploited than to allow yourself hatred. Give yourself over to hate, of anyone, of anything, and the conmen & preache...
dec 13 in idea barrages
A reality show to be the next voice and puppeteer of ALF called PROJECT SHUMWAY. “Arrested for public urination” is such an ugly way to phrase it. Why not say you were “caught in a peed trap”...
dec 12 in idea barrages
I feel like we are but one desperate cable-television series pitch cycle away from the spin-off 90 DAY DIVORCEE. B.Y. Jove! A British Commonwealth hero! B.Y. Jove is there! Less dehumidifie...
dec 11 in idea barrages
They are not your usual orthopedic doctors. They like to say they’re the un-ortho docs. Not only is Train lame as hell but, worse, they called their wine “Drops of Jupiter” instead of making ...
dec 10 in idea barrages
I sometimes forget that The Brothers Karamazov are a book and not a circus trapeze team. Until America treats slavery and the Confederacy with the seriousness and severity with which Germany ...
dec 9 in idea barrages
Morning radio is now just strangers pretending to be 20 years younger, describing YouTube videos that trended a month ago. Play some music, Buzzsaw and the Chipmunk or whatever. Your Geograph...
prompt: ring, title: the gifted in misc. flash fiction
My generation didn’t ask for those participation trophies, you know. That’s the thing the stories get wrong, we didn’t want an awards ceremony for next-to-last-place in the youth soccer league. W...
dec 8 in idea barrages
A world left to the zealots, zealots of any stripe, is a world that will quickly burn down. They don’t have the patience, they only care for the immediate enforcement of everything they believe...
dec 7 in idea barrages
I hope in the new Mulan movie, the theme is the theme to the old He-Man cartoon except “Mu-LAN, Mu-LAN” instead of “He-MAN, He-MAN”. I like to believe that the Punky Brewster cartoon with the...
dec 6 in idea barrages
If candy corn didn’t have the Halloween nostalgia connection, they would be cast off in the “ancient oddities from when people had to settle for terrible candy because the good stuff hadn’t bee...
dec 5 in idea barrages
If you manage to kick Clay Aiken in the crotch, he is legally obligated to yell “OH MY AIKEN BALLS!” in the same way that if you manage to punch down onto a leprechaun’s hat, he is obligated to...
dec 4 in idea barrages
I’m just sayin we could reboot Morganna the Kissing Bandit as Buffy the Umpire Slayer. I am “my first computer games were on a Commodore 64” years old. An Alice In Chains parody about the ...
dec 3 in idea barrages
Your D&D team’s traveling stagecoach was sold to you by bird-man named Lee Aarakocra. If dogs get kennel cough, do they also get pounding headaches? I am not judging, simply being healt...
dec 2 in idea barrages
“Oh, my old boomerang,” she said, going through her mementos from her semester in Australia, “that’s a real throwback.” My generation looks at the rubble wrought by disease, war and stolen el...
dec 1 in idea barrages
Why call the video game “Duck Hunt” when we could’a called it “Murder Most Fowl”? A Klingon character called Ra’fless so that someone can comment on his forehead “Ruffles has ridges!” As cl...
prompt: disbelief, title: staying at the mirage in misc. flash fiction
She stared at him in disbelief, which is to say she stared at her boyfriend in Disbelief, Nevada. Disbelief, named as such since no one believed its founder’s claims he was building a shining cit...