littlefallsmets ⋅ 45 ⋅

I write words, I sometimes get to perform them out, sometimes I'm even paid. And I'm trying to get it right, get it right.

with enough repetition, your flaws become your style


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March 31, 2021

apr 1 in idea barrages

You will cover 1960s psychedelic rock with 19th century instrumentation and arrangement under the name “Jefferson Steamboat”. Then there is his brother who sees everyone as a stereotype, Gary...

He didn’t understand the phrase “peace and quiet” as if the two were somehow a set, somehow entangled, maybe even one and the same. To him, there was nothing peaceful about quiet at all, in the s...

A CASE OF KILLER BE KILT “I need someone followed,” demanded a diminutive man in sensible slacks and utterly moderate shoes, his rage counterbalanced by that most rationalizing of influences, fea...

March 28, 2021

mar 31 in idea barrages

Sell peanut butter waffles with the catch-phrase “Legume My EGGUMES!” At some point, Macys is going to go bankrupt and the Thanksgiving Parade will get a new corporate sponsor like a jank thi...

March 28, 2021

mar 30 in idea barrages

Snow without Christmas lights is so damn depressing. Can we all just agree to turn them on once the first snow sticks and leave them until the final melt? All our brains would be better for it....

March 28, 2021

mar 29 in idea barrages

The finest medieval architecture was some real moats art. I mean, yeah, I was singing “Hey Ya” about Enya. A song about synesthesia “She Blinded Me With Silence”. On a statistical average...

March 26, 2021

mar 28 in idea barrages

Content content everywhere but no contentment to speak. An open grave is really just a plot hole. Any long screed of pasta demands is a manipesto. Olive’s youngest sister, a social media ...

March 26, 2021

mar 27 in idea barrages

Don’t be a lubricant, be a lubrican. Would Investi-Gator be an alligator that solves crimes or an alligator that trades stocks? So Funko Pops are just Beanie Babies + A Sheen of Irony? I ...

March 26, 2021

mar 26 in idea barrages

A love song about weightlifters called “Heart and Swole”. I don’t know how to properly mash up “Dogs Playing Poker” and “The Last Supper” I just know that when you figure it out, you’ll have ...

When I’m gone, I don’t want anyone going around lying about me. Not by omission and not by commission, either. I don’t want death turning me into something I’m not, I’d rather not have entropy gi...

March 23, 2021

mar 25 in idea barrages

Too much shotgunning beer will leave you with carpal funnel syndrome. You know what would be an interesting pop culture mash-up? Jiminy Hoffa. A book about an unhinged internet fanboy who, ...

March 23, 2021

mar 24 in idea barrages

If you stitch mild compliments into your socks, you are darning them with faint praise. If the Grimace wants to telegraph his edginess, does he dye his purple hair brown? Slenderman is just...

March 23, 2021

mar 23 in idea barrages

The darkly funny thing, of course, is how for decades these militia yahoos, gun humpers & Seal Team LARPers went on and on about how rebellious and free-thinking and anti-establishment they...

March 20, 2021

mar 22 in idea barrages

Everybody thinks they’re from either a Beatles or a Stones family, nobody realizes the REAL divide is National Lampoon Radio Hour versus Firesign Theatre. The leading cause of poverty is the ...

March 20, 2021

mar 21 in idea barrages

Nixon wasn’t more “dignified” to resign, after all, it was simply that he knew Ford would pardon him like the stooge he was. Now, granted, Nixon never tried to have his vice-president murdered ...

March 20, 2021

mar 20 in idea barrages

In Soviet Russia, party rocks and rolls YOU all night and every day. You will perform classical reinterpretations of Katy Perry songs as “Catherine Periwinkle”. I still say E.T. looks like ...

In my dreams, I’m always drifting. Drifting off the road, drifting off to sleep behind the wheel, to dream within a dream. I drift into some second sort of sleep while I’m highway-driving and the...

March 16, 2021

mar 19 in idea barrages

Your Internet Scam name is your ATM pin and then your social security number. I want Trump to have a “November 1st College Campus Walk-Of-Shame” exit, Trump in a disheveled incomplete version...

March 16, 2021

mar 18 in idea barrages

The hip-hop term “OG” stands for “Olive Garden”. Every time I see Kyra Sedwick in a television ad I think she’s Amy Sedaris and that’s a compliment to them both. If you think about it, on F...

March 16, 2021

mar 17 in idea barrages

That goat giving birth is just kidding. Traditional at a ghost wedding, of course, is sheet cake. Somewhere, there’s an EDM button pusher who performs as M.C. Rib. If the SEX IN THE CITY ...

March 14, 2021

mar 16 in idea barrages

Now that The Weeknd has a Super Bowl half-time gig, you’d think he could finally afford to pay for that missing “e”. Nothing like watching your first NFL game start to finish in years to reme...

March 14, 2021

mar 15 in idea barrages

singing “When you read until there’s pizzas, PARP it like it’s hot, PARP it like it’s hot, PARP it like it’s hot” Have a merchandise sale in the middle of March called THE IDES OF MERCH. If...

March 14, 2021

mar 14 in idea barrages

I’ve seen more arrests in front of the Renaissance Bar after a drunken cat fight over Canal Days than I’ve seen of these penny-ante stormtroopers breaking into the Capitol with guns and Confede...

To you, it might seem like a superpower to see what we can see but I swear that it’s the opposite. You’re the ones with the powers to not see it, to not have to deal with it, to not bear witness ...

March 11, 2021

missed america in poetry

oh but that we could just stuff ourselves with the emptiest of calories and drift on off to sleep free of our shared responsibilities never having to wake up never having to make the cho...

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