littlefallsmets ⋅ 45 ⋅

I write words, I sometimes get to perform them out, sometimes I'm even paid. And I'm trying to get it right, get it right.

with enough repetition, your flaws become your style


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June 13, 2018

ju13 in idea barrages

1.) (to the tune of Tutti Frutti) Got a dog named Ollie, his life is food and folly, got a dog named Ollie, WOO, his life is food and folly, he knows how to bark loud, yes indeed, look around the...

June 11, 2018

ju12 in idea barrages

1.) I’m just saying “Wuthering Heights” would’ve been more interesting if Mister Heathcliff were actually a garbage-picking orange cat but nothing else were changed. 2.) We’re living in a tableto...

June 10, 2018

ju11 in idea barrages

1.) You measure your South Asian flat bread using naan-eculidean geometry. 2.) The 10,000 empty think-pieces about Bourdain are the least Bourdain thing ever. Don’t write glowing things about a s...

June 09, 2018

ju10 in idea barrages

1.) Tyler The Creator walks into the sea, to hibernate in a deathless dreamless sleep. When the rituals are complete, he returns back from the briny deep to scourge the surface world, reborn Tyle...

God not as a Norse-Christian hairy thunderer nor hippie-dippy New Age cosmic muffin but God, God as the ocean, God as the sea. God, vast bottomless ancient insanely powerful, powerful in a way th...

June 09, 2018

love instead in poetry

the opposite of hate is not love, it is obsession love and obsession are actually quite different things no matter what the television or the computer tells you if you’re going to go ar...

June 09, 2018

god in poetry

god not as norse-christian hairy thunderer nor hippy-dippy new age cosmic muffin but god, god as the ocean, god as the sea vast bottomless ancient insanely powerful powerful in a...

June 08, 2018

shade tree in poetry

i don’t know where the shadows go when there’s just too much light we all need time in the warm sunshine but somehow it doesn’t seem right to bow and pray to the burning day ignoring ...

June 08, 2018

ju9 in idea barrages

1.) All the servers have to wear short-shorts as they bring you your omelet at the newly renamed International House of Butts. It’s not gonna end well. 2.) HOT TAKE: the sudden proliferation of d...

June 07, 2018

ju8 in idea barrages

1.) The best argument for Crossfit is, of course, Christ’s rock hard abs. Crucifixion really works the core. 2.) Babies are much cooler when you mentally compartmentalize them as “human puppies”....

Doubting Thomas the original hipster interrogating Jesus on the authenticity on the artisanal veracity of his actions were the loaves gluten-free, though, Jesus? was the fish organically...

June 07, 2018

blood for the bloodless in poetry

our blood is just a by-product of the churning in our bones our dreams just a by-product of when we’re stuck alone our realities by-products of when we stop looking at our phones our phones j...

June 07, 2018

to go in poetry

sometimes I feel like that one lonely token cherry tomato in the middle of a fast food salad just kind of floating there in a sea of iceberg and dressing two pounds of chicken and cheese ...

June 06, 2018

ju7 in idea barrages

1.) The art of shaping a fast food sandwich to the hand comfort of the consumer is known as “burgonomics”. 2.) The next Star Wars origin film will be about the bounty hunter IG-88 and will be cal...

June 05, 2018

ju6 in idea barrages

1.) I’ve got two quick poems and some micro-prose, two quick poems and some micro-prose, two quick poems and some micro-prose. 2.) A hipster interrogates Jesus: “Were the loaves gluten-free, thou...

June 04, 2018

ju5 in idea barrages

1.) Sometimes I’ll look at my Twitter timeline and see a relatively-interesting thought about the current political situation and then, to follow it up, a pun about an obscure comic book characte...

June 03, 2018

ju4 in idea barrages

1.) Is there anything more toxic to societal freedom than generational wealth, exponentially metastasizing over decades into the new fiefdoms, into the new royal caste? Is there anything more tox...

June 02, 2018

ju3 in idea barrages

1.) Your X-Files musical will be called I WANT TO BE LIVE. It will be… terrible. 2.) When you split the bill for your date, that’s “going Dutch”. When you pay for your date by bartering freshly c...

June 01, 2018

ju2 in idea barrages

1.) An entire freeze-dried horse! Shelf-stable! 2.) Over a long enough time scale, the toothbrush is nature’s toothbrush. 3.) Sugar Ray is banned from art museums, what with how the statues crumb...

June 01, 2018

a flurry of punches in poetry

a blizzard on the first day of June unearthly unreal a million white puffs in the sky but not snow dandelion seeds instead a thunderstorm coming the wind whipping up near ninety degree...

May 31, 2018

june opener in idea barrages

1.) ALF was always going on about with the “I Kill Me!” but the Tanners never got the poor guy counseling. That was a cry for help. 2.) On my clipboard, I found a drawing of a broccoli floret wit...

Ares: you are taking astrology way the hell too seriously it is a fun game to play but it says about as much about a person as phrenology did go outside, take a breath, get yourself o...

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: eating drinking sleeping breathing in breathing out the elimination of wastes cell division HOW TO MAKE F...

God sat at Her desk, being interviewed for some documentary: “Humans, not my best work, I’ll admit. Kind of a rush-job. I was having trouble with the husband at the time, most of R&D was tied...

1.) All people are equal in the eyes of God, all humans are equally weak in the eyes of Grodd. 2.) Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: eating, drinking, sleeping, breathing in, breathing out...

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