
Entries 92

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March 27, 2024

A Crack in Today

I saw it and therefore I hope. It’s not gone. I pray to God it doesn’t go. Give me time. Please. his can’t be it.

For those questioning whether “they” are eliminating social security, the answer is no. If by they, you mean Trump. This is low brow fearmongering by Dems, trotted out every election year. Feel f...

March 26, 2024

Utility in Today

Staying busy is an art. Planning out the day and the future. I refuse to lay down and quit, so the question becomes what is next? Practical steps to get resettled, but also hobbies, events, inter...

March 25, 2024

A Week in Today

It’s Monday. Another week started. Time seems to have slowed down. I feel like I have more time to do things which is weird because time is the enemy. It’s like a slow motion car crash where ever...

March 24, 2024

Baby Steps in Today

First the fish. Then the chickens. Next dad. Helps to have a plan.

March 23, 2024

Who am I to disagree? in Today

I had my first dream about everything this morning. Two separate scenarios where I had lost all control and everyone I cared about or should care about me turned on me and took her side. Simple s...

March 22, 2024

Movement in Today

Is there a word for being productive, but moving in the wrong direction? I’m sure the Germans could help us out with that.

March 22, 2024

Then sings my soul in Today

Lying comfortably in the pre-dawn light, listening to the soft patter of raindrops on the window. Light flashes against the shade followed lately by a lingering, playful rumble. My pleas whisper ...

March 21, 2024

Crisis Averted in Today

Got on the scales this morning and happily saw I’m dropping to the next decade by weekend’s end. Spent all morning craving a Sonic burrito, the one with jalapenos. It was right around the corner ...

God is good. I am going through what is arguably the worst event of my life. I have no idea how this ends and it may not end up the way I want it to end. I am helpless to control it other than t...

March 20, 2024

Good Question in Today

The sun pushes in with its brilliant, sweet, yellow smile. It beckons and points outside where the wind waits to play and tease. Childhood friends stopping in for a visit. Wondering why I am stil...

March 20, 2024

Crossroads in Today

I am at the point of decision, paused, pensive, hesitant A crossroads. So many crossroads. More aptly described as a nexus. Which direction? What considerations? What might lie ahead? It occurs ...

February 22, 2023

Give a Penny, Take a Penny in Today

The downside to an isolated, defensive, introverted position is that you lose out on what others have to offer. Sure you might shut out the negative or the contrary or the uncomfortable, but what...

February 22, 2023

The Long Way Around in Today

I have never been the charismatic, charming guy. In my younger days, when I tried to be that guy, I would fail and people would avoid me. I learned to keep my head down and build relationships on...

February 20, 2023

Questions in Today

In the inimitable, whimsical words of Shel Silverstein: What to do? What to do? This book is forty years overdue. I admit that it’s mine, but I can’t pay the fine. Should I turn it in or hide it...

February 20, 2023

More Elbow Grease in Today

I never had patience for priming the pump when I was a child. Spoiled with modern technology, I didn’t understand why the pump didn’t work when I wanted it to do so. There’s a bucket there? That’...

February 18, 2023

Mucked Up in Today

I hesitate. I tremble. I step forward with uncharacteristic uncertainty. Back and forth I pace, wanting, waiting, stopping, continuing. Anger bubbles up at the question of my undefined idiom. Los...

Books 2

88 Entries

8 Entries