Timmy™ ⋅ 41 ⋅

My name is Timmy™, formerly authorcode C104458 on OD. (Successor to A624512) Jersey born and raised, currently living in an OK state. I like cheese, feminism, bad puns, pegging, and Star Trek. Some entries are filtered. Don't be shy. I only bite if we have a safeword in place.

How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.

Samwise The Brave, "The Two Towers"

Entries 985

Page 26 of 40

May 31, 2016

Fruity Puns. in The Napkin.

Remembering a time when I would carry apples in my coat pockets so I could interject into a lull in conversation, “hows about dem apples?” And the period of time when I used to carry bananas in m...

I like balance. At times, I seem to favor way too much active entertainment, or too much passive entertainment. Sometimes I’ll be so into a game like Everquest2 that I will have to specifically ...

May 27, 2016

On Gender. in The Napkin.

If gender traits were innate, we wouldn’t need to indoctrinate them. Paraphrased from: Source

Winter: I just showered two days ago and I swear I still smell fine. Do I reeeally need to? Summer: I just took my third cold shower of the day, and you can’t stop me from taking a fourth.

I feel like I could fuck a dozen bitches and eat a ten kilogram steak. Holy shit, what a difference when I warm up properly. I know I joke about getting older, but I’LL HAPPEN TO YOUUUUU. :: ...

Look at this pizza. Look at it. It was glorious and delicious. Since you are what you eat, this is a selfie. And since I am part pizza, I am glorious and delicious.

May 25, 2016

An OD/PB Survey. in The Napkin.

From: Gilraent What does your online diary name mean, and why did you pick it? My name is Timmy, and I am very Timmy™. When did you first get an online diary? November 29, 2001. I can’t believe...

This Pull/Legs/Push/Heart/repeat routine that I’ve designed for myself may be just the right balance. :: fistpump :: There’s a day between when I use the shoulder joint, and a day between when I...

May 25, 2016

Inane Quotient. in The Napkin.

Based on my propensity for subjecting friends with a deluge of ridiculous texts in the morning, I’d say my brain is way more active in the morning. As well, despite how inane I can be, I find it ...

May 24, 2016

The Greeting. in The Napkin.

On my way out of the gym, a girl working there commented, “Hey, you’re early today.” My initial response: “I’m getting old.” Ha ha. I woke up around 4 AM, peed, and had a nice relaxing hour in ...

Note to self: While strawberries are rad, tossing in a banana into your broccoli/carrot/kale smoothie totally takes the edge off the bitterness, and helps with the consistency. I WILL CONSUME M...

May 22, 2016

QWERTY Power. in The Napkin.

For better or for worse, I seem to have gotten into the habit of viewing the Box of Prose on my phone. Something about physically sitting at my computer with the purpose to write is an iota stres...

May 21, 2016

Dumbbell Drops. in The Napkin.

Sometimes I think about doing yet another Lifting Log Redux. I can babble my head off like the gymrat I am. But then I think: why separate it? My actual logging is now on fitocracy. I really like...

May 21, 2016

Pronouns. in The Napkin.

When you realize you’re now saying “an ex” instead of “the ex”.

I think I’ve taken full-body workouts as far as I can take them. Great way to regain strength in a hurry, but I clearly need to moderate how much I do per workout. When it’s submaximal, going h...

We love to say how arbitrary time is, except it really isn’t. A year is one trip around the sun. A month is based on the moon’s orbit. A week is roughly one phase of the moon. A day is revolution...

I don’t really pull off the Rugged Stubble look, and I hate shaving (my face*). So jealous of how women tend to have less facial hair. *Ballshaving is significantly easier.

May 12, 2016

For Frodo. in The Napkin.

Sometimes you’re Aragorn, unsure but will take on the world. Other times you’re Frodo, who is too proud to be carried.

My catfish profile on OkCupid really brings to light the polar opposite experience guys and girls have on “dating sites.” I will forget about this profile for weeks or months, and there will jus...

It’s that just because a girl takes interest in football or some other stereotypical “male” trait doesn’t make her a boy. As well, there remains a LOT of pressure on trans people to conform, simp...

I’m amused at how there is a direct link between KidTimmy™ making taco meat for himself, and AdultTimmy™ accidentally making vegan chili. I love tacos. As a kid, there would inevitably be pieces...

1: One can not outtrain a bad diet. 2: The worst program done pedal to the metal will outperform the best program done half-assed. 3: The best plan is the one you’ll stick to. 4: If your over...

April 17, 2016

Of course. in The Napkin.

But seriously, I’ve been taking significantly better care of myself, so naturally I’m sick.

April 14, 2016

TQ™. in The Napkin.

I think my Timmy Quotient correlates with my willingness or desire to make absolutely terrible puns. If my mood is off, I just won’t feel that playful.

No secret I was a gymrat for many years. My reasons ranged from building a buffer of lean body mass as insurance in the event of personal illness or injury, to the personal validation of picking...

Books 6

445 Entries

446 Entries

6 Entries

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122 Entries