Timmy™ ⋅ 41 ⋅

My name is Timmy™, formerly authorcode C104458 on OD. (Successor to A624512) Jersey born and raised, currently living in an OK state. I like cheese, feminism, bad puns, pegging, and Star Trek. Some entries are filtered. Don't be shy. I only bite if we have a safeword in place.

How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.

Samwise The Brave, "The Two Towers"

Entries 985

Page 23 of 40

Long ago, there lived a Queen. She ruled her kingdom fair and wise. But she was alone. She wanted a partner. But not just some servant; Queens need to be strong all the time. Someone she could be...

It’s interesting that something I get told I have a lot of empathy, and at other times, no empathy at all. I do not consider myself an empath like some of my friends. They’re gifted - they can ...

January 22, 2017

But seriously. in The Napkin.

Since Rage Against The Machine will not release more music, System of a Down is our only hope. Fucking rage on that sexist, racist, xenophobic insult to cheetos everywhere.

January 03, 2017

Albuquerque. in The Napkin.


Meeting up with my OK* girlfriend went fantastic. Her kids like me, her family likes me, her roommate likes me. She gave me a family for Christmas. Totally worth the 1350 mile drive. Lots of l...

December 27, 2016

Comfort Level. in The Napkin.

When a chick farts on your dick mid-spooning and the only response is mutual giggles.

Every time I shave my bikini line (read: inguinal crease), I can’t help but think “how did chicks get conned into this farce? It’s difficult enough for me to shave, but at least I can pull my scr...

I’ve been on it for around two and a half months. Beyond the physiological adaptations, it’s taken some time to game when to take it. That is, the only real side effect has been insomnia. I initi...

December 05, 2016

Communication. in The Napkin.

It’s not about sharing everything with your partner, but being able to share anything.

The following was written for Fetlife. Viewer Discretion is advised. I’ve been thinking about D/s relationships and the way the word “lifestyle” is used. For me, it conjures images of latex, ru...

December 01, 2016

Grey. in The Napkin.

Funny thing about opinions is that to really be grey or “somewhere in the middle”, you HAVE to at some point find yourself arguing against your own default opinion. You know, depending on the co...

November 27, 2016

Murica is so puritanical. in The Napkin.

That trope that it’s bad for woman to have too many coital encounters? Three counterarguments: A: She’s fucked a billion guys, but no one were as good as this “final guy”. 2: She’s enjoyed a fu...

November 24, 2016

Fuck it all. in The Napkin.

All these “life is wonderful” shit and I have no family.

November 24, 2016

Dear not-bang bang bruce. in The Napkin.

I don’t like change. I’m old and will swat you with a newspaper.

November 22, 2016

31. in The Napkin.

If it weren’t for those thinking outside reality, we wouldn’t be able to deal with reality.

November 19, 2016

I LOVE YOU. in The Napkin.


November 16, 2016

Who owns the internet? in The Napkin.

You know who owns the internet. I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself from making this when the idea crossed my mind.

What? It’s my first Biden meme. I couldn’t help myself.

November 13, 2016

Obiden. in The Napkin.

Had a bad day? You need some Obama / Biden memes. https://www.facebook.com/thunderhorsey/posts/10101153282145354

Let me point out an obvious doublestandard. Trump says he wants to “grab women by the pussy”, and it’s waved off as “locker room talk”. That statement was just the icing on a misogynist clusterf...

In the history of Murica, faithless electors have never decided an election. Whether this year should be an exception, it’s simply not going to happen. I mean, we can hope. But it’s basically ...

Meanwhile, in more positive news, I just cracked 50k on Day Nine of NaNoWriMo. What blows my mind is I managed only a thousand or so words on the first day, and then just barely brought myself t...

While I don’t dare ask who he voted for, I recall a conversation I had with my dad. He said he didn’t want to vote for Hillary because she’s pro-immigration. This, coming from a registered Demo...

November 08, 2016

Group Hug. in The Napkin.

C’mon. Everybody get into this cuddle pile. We’ll be okay. There’s still love and kindness in the world. Drumpf can’t stop us from loving each other. :: hugs you ::

I voted for Bernie in the primary, and Hilldawg in the general. I’m not the reason we’ll be saying “Sieg heil, unser Fuhrer Drumpf.” That we survived Dubya isn’t really comforting. I could shru...

Books 6

445 Entries

446 Entries

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122 Entries