Timmy™ ⋅ 41 ⋅

My name is Timmy™, formerly authorcode C104458 on OD. (Successor to A624512) Jersey born and raised, currently living in an OK state. I like cheese, feminism, bad puns, pegging, and Star Trek. Some entries are filtered. Don't be shy. I only bite if we have a safeword in place.

How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.

Samwise The Brave, "The Two Towers"

Entries 985

Page 17 of 40

Don’t worry, more hot sauce masochism will be presented. In the mean time, is it Sophia-time? Engage? Engage.

If the next bottle of hot sauce doesn’t make me reach for milk, I may need to outsource.

February 14, 2021

On Loss. in Whey and Sonic Screwdrivers.

“I’ve heard it said, that one of the worst parts of breaking up a long term relationship is the loss of language. The puns and in-jokes, the little touches that were special just to you two. That...

This is babbling about psychology. Oh, I’ve taken Psych 101. But gosh, sometimes when you get clinical terms, they start to lose all meaning. “Oh, that’s nice. …What does that really mean aga...

February 14, 2021

Oh, Airk. in The Napkin.

He amuses me. Sometimes I’ll be scrolling down my Book of Faces page and see him cursing out his Senator or Congressman. Just scathing “DO YOUR JOB, YOU F** JACKOFF.” Well, sans caps. You don’t...

This is a paraphrase from Sarek in Star Trek 2009. I want to start off by saying that right now, in this moment, I’m happy. It is rare, so it needs to be noted. Those close to me know my emotio...

February 13, 2021

Want some pizza? in The Napkin.

What. I feel like hell. Mikey is offering you some pizza. WANT SOME PIZZA.

Yes, indeed, I have a face. I know, baffling.

It’s not to hurt her. It’s to protect myself. Meh, too cheerful. Too mean. I won’t lipread for you, as I know what Riker is saying. No, still too professional. …Never thought I’d have to go...

I have been pondering about what to do video stuff about. Subjecting myself to hot sauce? Gotta start somewhere.

If you judge me for sleeping with a stuffed animal, you’re a big meanie. (What. I’m deliberately trying to not curse.) I should note I’ve been sleeping with this one since before wife even left...

Was going to title this Purpose/Feeling Needed something else, but here we are. I went from thinking about what I have to hope for, to strive towards. But then I started thinking about my compl...

February 09, 2021

Sleep Report, 2-9-21 in The Napkin.

Mood was probably best mid-day yesterday. A “fine” at best, which a touch of sadness. Strike that, I also felt “fine” when I went to bed. Well, not quite, either. I just wasn’t hungry all day. ...

Been a rough morning/afternoon. I tried Operation Distraction to “forget” how I was feeling, but it wasn’t quite working. It’s annoying that facing our emotions sometimes makes them feel worse ...

February 08, 2021

Sleep Report, 2-8-2021 in The Napkin.

Or lack thereof. I tried staying up late to tire myself out. And as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was wide awake. No sleep aids last night, as I prefer not to take them two days in a row. S...

Spock Earmuffs! Set those pointed ears to warm.

February 07, 2021

Depression be like.... in The Napkin.

(I’m actually in decent spirits today, shhh. Took a plethora of sleep aids last night and phew, it’s nice to sleep.)

February 07, 2021

Legolas. in Whey and Sonic Screwdrivers.

The Hobbit movies aren’t the best, but they’re a nice addendum to PJ’s LotR adaptation. Something I like is how it helps the character of Legolas. Who has been accused of not HAVING much of a c...

This actually isn’t a story, but another one of my emotional, personal, and philosophical explorations where I’m not quite sure what I’m going to write. Always fun when you’re not quite sure wha...

Our favorite homosexual male is casually sitting on the couch, watching television. There is a bag of Smartfood™ white cheddar popcorn slotted to his right. He keeps switching through YouTube™ ...

Longtime readers may remember a playful “contest” I would do every April 16th. But why wait? As a preface, this “contest” was/is very tongue-in-cheek. I once discarded the entire results and d...

Stray thought. I have noticed I write the most when I’m mentally unstable. And if it wasn’t painfully obvious like being critically fucked through a concrete wall, I’m not mentally stable right ...

Wasn’t expecting three long-winded entries in one day, but here we are. LET’S GO, CUMSLUTS. It’s not that I hide being atheist. It’s that other religions are so HI I’M CHRISTIAN AND THIS DEFINE...

As in Open Diary. There’s your thesis statement. Yup, not even pretending it’s a decent writing style. I’ll continue to refine my craft, including just smashing through the fourth wall like a f...

Let’s define Compersion using a touch of google-fu. The word compersion is loosely defined as the opposite of jealousy. Instead of feeling upset or threatened when your partner romantically or se...

Books 6

445 Entries

446 Entries

6 Entries

5 Entries

122 Entries