by cal
Entries 84
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Thoughts While Pounding Pavement
I have, on occasion, run for the pure agony of it. Because that’s what aging men with a gut do. (Or buy a sports car and I’m cheap.) I have noticed a very odd thing while running. In a very Truma...
Remember the old saying, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all”? Someone please tell Tripadvisor that Taco Bell has no business on a list of top restaurants for an area.
Turned Around
Can somebody get me a map?
Much Anger In You
Yeah, Yoda. You’re right, Captain Obvious. Thanks for that. What are you going to do about it?
Put the Lime in the Coconut and Shake It All Up
That song is stuck in my head this morning. I hope I can give you the same joy. It helps if you sing it with a white boy Jamaican accent.
A Psalm of Praise
Oh, lift up the name of the LORD and sing. Sing praises to the God of all mercy He is worthy to be praised. He is faithful and true. He has taught me in my tribulation. In the midst of my trial h...
Delete, delete, delete...
You crossed a line, huh?
Support Local Business
Just found out Five Guys sells merch and now I want a t-shirt.
Shading and Blending
Life isn’t a competition. It’s an artistic collaboration. Every person you interact with is part of your piece of the mural. You have to step back a little from your little swathe to see what th...
Figure It Out
The common theme of all of your disappointing relationships is you.
Day of Remembrance
Remember today. Mark it down. Look back and rejoice. Say, today was the day I got my life back.
I find it interesting you lied to me. To what end?
Beware of Dog
It is a strange thing we do. We live in these maddening bubbles of isolation, misery, and loneliness then attack any who would enter without regard to intent.
Two Step Process
Hide the evidence. Play the victim. Repeat as desired.
Natural Progression
I think I am developing an unnatural loathing of dishes.
Hey, kid!
Do you have any idea what your mother was up to last night?
Looney Tunes
There is always the scene in the cartoons where the fuse is lit and the spark goes on this long, elaborate journey, looping and winding and dodging and the antagonist is desperately trying to blo...
Now We Know
The brilliant orange glow of the rising sun or a roiling meteor forcing its way into the atmosphere to cover the earth in darkness.
Discipline is one of those things that starts from the top down. Management always wants to blame the workers, but they only reflect the messaging and behaviors of their leaders. If you have lazy...
Coloring Time
It’s a little fun to watch the diversity and inclusion team come up babbling cheery nonsense like a kindergarten teacher. (We’re all crayons!) Then have the production teams come up talking about...
Latest Bookmarks
It is interesting sometimes how quickly people disappear. To peruse the list and realize how long it has been. No. I just read them… three weeks ago?
Employer - Employee
I need you to break a little. I don’t deal with hardasses. Especially when they are grown up and acting like spoiled children. If you want to be able to make your own decisions, you have to accep...
Slowly, Slowly
Back to work. Good weekend. Mostly. still recovering.
Not a no.
Dare I hope? You’re being suspiciously quiet.