Site Updates

The server is extremely fixed now

  • By josh
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  • September 21, 2018
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So, funny story. I’m traveling at the moment (hello from Denver!) and my email checking has been intentionally rare. Trying to get off the grid for a few days. But let’s be honest: PB I can’t qu...

Downtime tonight and a call for testers

  • By josh
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  • September 17, 2018
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Hey everyone, We’ll be taking the site down tonite at 8PM central for about an hour to fix the issues you’ve all been experiencing with comments. We have a fix in place on our staging server and ...

You can now edit comments!

  • By josh
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  • September 15, 2018
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Surprise!! MD really came through this week and now we have our first new feature! Happy Friday everyone. Have a great weekend. Update (edit, ha): We’re working through a few known issues at the ...

A roadmap for the future of Prosebox

  • By josh
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  • September 12, 2018
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Hey everyone, I’ve been wanting to write this entry for a few months now, but between the server issues and starting an intense new job, it’s been hard to find the time. But! I need a break, so t...

The sloths have been appeased

  • By josh
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  • September 08, 2018
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Hey everyone, As I’m sure you’ve noticed, PB is feeling sooooo much better today. The site was down for about an hour as we grabbed a snapshot to be safe and then upgraded. Here’s how performance...

The server is filled with sloths

  • By josh
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  • September 07, 2018
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Hey again everyone, Oh my god the site has been so slow lately! IT. IS. SO. FRUSTRATING!!!! WE WERE CELEBRATING AND THEN THINGS STARTED GETTING BAD AGAIN AND AAAAAAAAAAA Ok, enough yelling. Whew...