Site Updates

Autosave, Ads, Alliteration

  • By josh
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  • March 05, 2019
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Hey everyone, How is it March already? Where did those other months go? What even is 2019? I wanted to bring you all in the loop on what’s been going on the past few months. Things have been both...

A more mobile-friendly Prosebox

  • By josh
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  • December 14, 2018
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Hey everyone, Whoa, two site updates in a week! PB’s on fire! If you’re writing a new entry or creating a new book, you might notice that the design of the privacy settings has changed a bit: I ...

New entry backup is live!

  • By josh
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  • December 13, 2018
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Hey everyone, I’m super excited to announce the launch of another new feature: New entry backup. In my last update I called this feature “Auto-saving drafts” but as I worked on the design, it en...

Onwards and upwards

  • By josh
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  • December 03, 2018
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Hey everyone, How is it already December?! These last few months have really flown by. NoJoMo was great! Well done to all of you that kept with it (and a solid tip of the hat to those that made ...

NoJoMo 2018

  • By josh
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  • November 01, 2018
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Hey everyone, Happy NoJoMo! It looks like it’s been a few years since the official journal has been active, so I thought it would be fun to use a site update for the prompts. Hopefully that will...

A bugfix, an improvement, and an announcement

  • By josh
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  • September 24, 2018
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Hey everyone, Let’s go down the list! (Edit: Have a feature request? Great. Check out my site update here where I talk about my plans for Prosebox for the next few years) The bugfix: I’m happy to...