Site Updates

Updates to the site rules

  • By josh
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  • July 23, 2020
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I have a friend we’ll call M. He’s an author, and he’s a fascinating and occasionally frustrating human being. Fascinating in part because he always knows exactly what profound thing to say at an...

Mostly Mochi pics

  • By josh
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  • February 11, 2020
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Hey everyone, Happy new year, Lunar and otherwise! It’s been a bit since I last wrote, and I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday season and your 2020 is off to a great start. Before I go any ...

Help me improve PB's navigation

  • By josh
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  • September 30, 2019
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Hey everyone, I love this time of year. The weather’s starting to get chilly, and pumpkin flavored everything has taken over (if you’re in north america ;) ). If you have any suggestions for Moch...

Panda sightings

  • By josh
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  • August 28, 2019
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Hey everyone, You’re not crazy, we had some downtime Monday night that lasted through Tuesday morning. Sorry about that, and thanks for your patience! If you ever notice the site is down, you can...

Those annoying ads

  • By josh
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  • August 12, 2019
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Hey everyone, I’ve been getting a few messages here and there about some of the ads that are showing up being annoying or full screen takeovers of some kind. I take this kind of thing super serio...

Subscriptions are live!!

  • By josh
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  • August 02, 2019
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Hey everyone, Huge huge day today many months (years?) in the making! That’s right! Prosebox subscriptions are here. What does that entail? You can read more in my recent site update. You can sub...