Site Updates

We're in the zone now

  • By josh
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  • July 10, 2023
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Hey everyone, Wanted to share an update on how everything’s going with the new spam tools that were rolled out a few weeks ago. In short: we got ‘em! This is super exciting!!! Going from where ...

New tools to fight the spam

  • By josh
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  • June 25, 2023
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Hey everyone, First, I’ll acknowledge the elephant in the room. The spam the last few months has been completely insane, exhausting and inexcusable. I’m sorry. There were days that the entire fro...

Annnd we’re back!

  • By josh
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  • May 06, 2023
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The front page is fixed, posting is fixed, and some preliminary anti-spam measures are rolling out today/tomorrow. Will update this with more info and a Mochi pic soon, but wanted to let you all ...

Issues with the front page

  • By josh
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  • April 27, 2023
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Hey everybody, About 20 hours ago, for reasons unknown, the front page stopped updating. Additionally, anytime you try to publish an entry of any kind, you will see a panda. HOWEVER, the entry wi...

Upgrade: successful!

  • By josh
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  • September 28, 2022
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It’s fairly late for a school night, but after a few hours of downtime, it looks like we’ve fixed the issue! The upgrade was a bit tricky, but we got it done, and in the process also moved the da...

Sloowww, slow, slow

  • By josh
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  • September 27, 2022
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Hey everyone, tl;dr: Yes, I know, and I’m just as frustrated about it as you are. We’re working on it. The long version: I know many of you have noticed the frequent server slowness lately. Beli...