Site Updates

Prosebox beta: Now Open!

  • By josh
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  • February 24, 2024
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Hey everyone, It’s that time! The rewritten and modernized version of Prosebox is ready for beta testing. You can check it out here: Your login credentials from the main site wi...

Growing pains

  • By josh
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  • February 23, 2024
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Hey everyone, You may have noticed, but the site went full panda around 4AM CST this morning. This was a weird one — turns out the database ran out of space! Thankfully it was easy to fix, we j...

Everyone, meet Buffy

  • By josh
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  • February 16, 2024
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Let’s give him a warm welcome on his first non-test post! No Mochi pic this time, as Jasper, Zoey, and Klaus deserve center stage (AI generated result of “Buffy the Codeslayer” as coined by Zen...

The (exciting) future of Prosebox

  • By josh
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  • February 14, 2024
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Hey everyone, A lot has been happening behind the scenes this last month or so, all of it SO, SO exciting, but before I get to that, I’d like to share a bit about what led up to this announcement...

And.. we're back!

  • By josh
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  • January 25, 2024
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Hey everyone, Looks like we’re back in action after a brief full-panda blip! Never underestimate what a talented developer can accomplish over their lunch break. 💪 The front page and entry searc...

New year, new panda

  • By josh
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  • January 03, 2024
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Hey everyone, I appreciate all of you that reached out about the issues with the front page not updating and the pandas that are showing up when you try to post. This is similar to the issue we h...