I have many skills in rants

  • March 20, 2014, 3:26 p.m.
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But housekeeping, homemaking - NOT in my skill set.

I don't consider myself a hoarder as I am fine with giving things away - not as good with the throwing out. Terrible with the straightening up, awful with the cleaning, a procrastinator of the highest degree.

I knew I needed to have a plumber... and there's a branch of a good quality plumbing company pretty much around the corner. So, first job... clear everything out from under the sink. Found various "treasures". My mother had almost everything anyone would need... even various bottles of wine for cooking (I'm just guessing here). Why they were under the sink is beyond me.

I hate having anyone in, even a repair person to fix something. But I had to do it! The leak in the kitchen sink became a FLOW and it was time. I had the man come out today - within an hour of when I called. There is a LOT to do. He expects he'll be here for two hours tomorrow morning (I had to put signs around the building to tell the others the water would be off - and those have to go up 24 hours before the water shut-off. Hence he came today and will return tomorrow.) He expects it'll cost about ... wait for it... $500!! OMG!

Darcy0207 from OD March 21, 2014

It was a little over the amount quoted. But now it's done and I won't have to worry about it for at least 10 years.

ladylovestheocean March 22, 2014

I am just like you. Not a hoarder I would say but I have stuff around I could purge. And there is more than a path through my house.I just have too much Stuff. Or clutter. I love books and music. Hence I have several overflowing book shelves. And cds there and in baskets. My house is clean but cluttered. I don't like for service people to come in either.Usually I call my ex or my son if I need something fixed it also helps with the cost. And I know that isn't possible for everyone. And I am always vowing to clean up and get rid of things. I really need too. I can't part with a book or cd unless I know it's going to a good home. LMAO. Seriously now. Isn't that just plain crazy? I hope you get your problems fixed. And you aren't charged an arm and a leg for it.

Darcy0207 from OD ladylovestheocean ⋅ March 22, 2014

The man came and did lots of work - over 2 hours!
This is my vacation home - had been my parents' apartment. I had to do so much cleaning - my mother had gotten overwhelmed when my father died... I still find mail from 2000, the year he passed.

There's still tons of stuff to clear out - books get mailed out, clothing and odds/end get donated (when I go downtown). Still lots of music - cd's, tapes, albums - books (some I want to read, some I just want to keep), LOTS of clothing - I can wear some of it, have to bring down the rest.

It's a LOT clearer than when my mother was here. My apartment in NYC - yikes - tons of teaching material! Still, after so many years. Again, I have books to send out and clothing to donate. It's quite a job. I understand where you are with it.

Deleted user March 22, 2014

whoa, that's soooo much for a kitchen leak! ugh :(

i'm the same way, hate to have people in...really hoping i can change that at some point. but i hope it all ends well and you don't have to deal with any more repairs for a good long time.

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