Honey Face in My this and that

  • March 14, 2014, 1:43 p.m.
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Today I am thankful that my face doesn't hurt as bad (see "Stupid Face" entry in my "Less than Happy" book).

I decided to try a remedy I had seen on pinterest. Just mix raw honey with a bit of warm water, and apply to face. The one I followed said she soaked little squares of guaze in the mixture then secured the soaked squares to her face with bandaids over the blemishes... my whole face needed some help so I applied it more like a mask. I left it on for the night, which was a bit of work, but not too terrible. I secured my hair back in a braid, and slept on my back all night. A few times my face stuck to the pillow a bit, but just putting a towel over the pillow would fix that. It wasn't as restful a sleep as I normally get, but it wasn't terrible. Hair got stuck to my sticky face and tickled me from time to time, which amused me for some reason. And I still had plenty of time for a wacky dream involving an old house, a ghost boy who literally "poofed" away in front of me, and me being strapped to a mattress on top of a truck because I was too tired to sit in the truck. Ah good times. So results? My face today doesn't hurt as terribly from my acne... and I believe the redness and puffiness of each pimple has reduced, and my skin is smooth enough (not flaky in areas) to cover said blemishes a bit better.
I think I'll try it again tonight... perhaps instead of my whole face, I'll only apply to my problem areas.

Party planning is going well. I don't want to say too much because I'm really unsure if my mom reads this or not, but just in case she does. I have been offered a bit of help which makes me happy. I have wonderful people in my life.

Last night my friends Katie and Danny invited Ben and me over. What a nice surprise! She made spaghetti dinner for us, and we played Killer Bunnies of course!

Tonight we are heading to my parents' place again. Just the two of us. We need to drop some things off, and I need to pick some stuff up that I forgot! Silly me. Plus we forgot to restock their wood pile, and I would feel bad if they came back to an empty wood pile.

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