21 weeks in Baby Stuff

  • March 12, 2014, 8:34 p.m.
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I'm just going to go by what I think, not what my doctor thinks. 'cause I know I'm more right. I would be 22 weeks today, but I believe I'm a week behind so I'm just going to do that.

Lorelei really likes doing some kickboxing at 4am and late at night. She's darling.

I really want to do more exercising... maybe it would slow down my weight gain a bit. I've already been gaining a lot of weight. I've already gained 20 pounds and I'm only halfway done.... I've got to do something about that. I haven't been eating as bad as I did with Cannon, so I'm not sure what the deal is. Ah, well.

I get to have another ultrasound on the 28th because they couldn't see her lip well enough to know if everything's good. She was covering her face with her hands and wouldn't move her arms. :P So I get to go to the high risk center at a different hospital to make sure she doesn't have a cleft lip. It doesn't look like she does, so I'm sure she's fine. Even if she did have a cleft lip, there are much worse things.

Cannon had his first fever last night. It was very low-grade, but he's never even had a low-grade fever before. Poor kid. He seems to be feeling better today, and his nose isn't as runny.

I'm SO ready for spring and tired of this stupid cold weather. It was beautiful yesterday and now it's 30 degrees colder and stupid. v.v

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