Nice night for writing at Prosebox.... in Secrets from myself

  • Sept. 14, 2013, 2:23 a.m.
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... the other place has just washed its hair and can't do a thing with it.

I have some notes in stripey notebook - things I could write here - plans as it were. But they were plans without execution. Plans for the sake of planning.

Besides stripey is in my blue work bag and I'd have to get up to get it. And right now I'm not feeling like doing anything that strenuous. Maybe later when I figure out what I want to eat I can combine foraging with stripey seeking.

For the present I'm listening to Gracie bark at something wild outside. I see my son eating potato chips and dip -= the real kind that has a green label on its little white bucket - is called French Onion dip and has as much fat as it should have. I believe earlier I made him a ham sandwich with mayo and curly green lettuce on Roman Meal sandwich bread, toasted. He's just finishing off a tall glass of milk.

Earlier I had corn chips and salsa and a couple apples. Later, a slice of lamb. No. I mean ham.

I've never eaten lamb. Ever. Maybe I should sometime.

Weather is changing. It's actually cold tonight. I closed the window over the sink and I'm wearing a sweatshirt. Earlier this evening Gracie and I walked down to the creek and there is very little water in it. Jim's been saying it's dry but I haven't really thought much about it.

It's been a crazy year weatherwise. Later wet spring followed by late wet summer which mid point turned dry. The crops have had a roller coaster of a year. I am often pessimistic, sometimes less so. I guess we will just have to see... what the yields are and how much dryer gas we need.

I'm rambling tonight. No target. No style. No plan. Just words against a white screen.

Jim goes off to the Clay County Fair in Spencer with a friend from high school, leaving tomorrow at 5 am. It's almost across the state but it's the best fair from a farm aspect. It has serious machinery and crop and harvest trials, large rotating livestock displays, and free and paid entertainment rivaling state fairs. It's in a small town and it draws visitors and competitors from great distances. My husband and I used to go quite often.

I have no plans. Which is ok. I can either do something or nothing as the moment requires.

A weekend is a good thing.

Have a good one.

Old old picture of an old old sunset framed in fence gates.

 photo 10-30-05andafter458.jpg

Kimber September 14, 2013

I really like the composition of that photo.

Just Annie September 14, 2013

It's been crazy weather here, too, this summer, but I think the crops are doing okay. What do I know? I only ride past them on my bike. But the corn looks good to me. The soybeans, too. I never did find where Mr. Miller put this cabbage patch but I saw the trucks haul them to town and they were full, so I'd say the cabbage yield was okay, too.

Our walnut trees are still green and lush. Their walnuts haven't dropped yet. It's odd. They're usually mostly bare by the end of August. Oh, well, I guess they'll get to it when they're ready.

RoseS September 23, 2013

did you give up here? Is Od working better again?

woman in the moon RoseS ⋅ September 24, 2013

OD is working better. Still a few hiccups but generally it works. I had planned to write both places but I don't seem to have anything to say here. I'll reconsider.

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