New developments in Hello.

  • Feb. 4, 2020, 11:09 a.m.
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So I’ve started my new contract at work now!
I was on a temporary contract until December 31st, but due to a couple of people leaving, they decided to make it a permanent one. I’m still only on 3 days a week officially, although I do do more than that when we’re busy. Esme, my boss, is trying to stealthily increase my hours by adding me to the rota every time we’re somebody down. She’s hoping to get me onto a five day contract, which is fab.
We’re adding a new tour to our repertoire, a chocolate pairing tour! We’re to be getting training in that later this month, with the idea of going live with it in March. Imagine being trained on how to eat chocolate and drink whisky! XD Also, we’re getting a new uniform, and the new manager is keen for us to be smart casual, so we’re going to be able to wear jeans.
Due to the increase in tours, we’ve decided to recruit two new members of staff. When I was applying for the job initially, my friend, Simon, bumped into me in the supermarket and told me he was applying for it because his current job was affecting him mentally. I didn’t tell him I’d already applied, but when I saw him again a few weeks later, I was wearing my company anorak and he didn’t seem very happy. I don’t know what I thought I’d achieve by not telling him, it was a bit of a dick move on my part I think. Anyway, as soon as I found out they were recruiting again, I texted him straight away and he fired off his CV. He’s being interviewed for the role next week! They’re very keen on working with peer referrals, most people there have been recommended by somebody else. I’m keeping everything crossed for him. Only problem is, there are already three Simons that work there, two of them on tours!
Eleanor is currently under the dentist to get braces fitted. She mentioned the fact that she wants them to my parents once a couple of years ago, and now they bring it up nearly every time she goes round. She’s already really self conscious about her teeth, I wish they’d stop pressing her for info. She can’t get measured until she’s lost all of her milk teeth anyway and she’s got about 6 left. The dentist showed me her X-Rays, and he said the roots are almost dissolved on them all, so hopefully she should have lost them by the end of the year.
Belle is still doing well at college, she’s working hard to achieve her grades. They have to take part in an employer project, whereby one of the college sponsors will give them a hypothetical project to work on. A lot of the students chose Sellafield because they’re really good to work with, and Belle got accepted onto their programme. I think she said they had to design a building for them, so that will look good on her CV.
Rob seems to be enjoying his course. He’s applied for a CDP role at a big fancy hotel that is reopening in the middle of the town, and he has his third interview with them on Thursday. He’s fairly confident though, he’s met the head chef and he said he seemed to like Rob. We’re going to see him in a couple of weeks. :)
I’m starting to get back into my fitness. My foot is feeling almost better and I can now walk about 7 or 8 miles before I start to feel pain. Obviously, it’s not healed enough that I can do the 32 mile walk with dad in March, but I’m happy that I’m able to get back out and about again, especially now that the days are starting to get longer again.
I’m also really starting to feel the benefits of yoga. I’m definitely getting stronger, I can hold a plank for quite a while, despite being overweight. I find myself moving differently as well, if I can incorporate a yoga pose into doing everyday things (like taking boxes out of the bottom cupboard at work, and putting them in the middle cupboard) then I do it. It sounds daft, but I feel more conscious in my movements than I did before, breathing in the right places and twisting correctly. As well as doing organised classes, I am doing Adrienne’s 30 day challenge on YouTube. I’m a bit behind, as I can’t always find the time to do it every day. But it’s lovely having that 25-30 minutes at the end of the day that’s just for me. I light a joss stick, turn the lights down low and just tune into her voice. I enjoy my organised classes too, because I can do the 10 minutes of savasana without falling asleep! We get the guided meditation and I come away feeling like I’ve had a good workout with a nap at the end!
I’m curious now about yin yoga, after a friend of mine attended a yin workshop. I’ve found a few sessions on YouTube (I have it on the XBox, so I can use the telly to help me with my workouts) and I’ve bought myself some blocks so I can give it a go. :)

Last updated February 04, 2020

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