Starving in ❅journal 2019❅

  • Dec. 21, 2019, 5:11 a.m.
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  • Public

Guess who forgot her granola bars~

So I have to wait till when I get home to eat, yes I’m extremely upset about it still. And I forgot my fucking PHONE charger so this phone better not die on me.

I wanna listen to my meditation music or watch ready to glare or tea 2 spill but j can’t. I’m hoping I can last till when I gotta get home since I might be leaving school early so fuck yeahh on that. Break’s about to begin, not just any break though but two weeks of winter break!

Then exams hehe. Exams that shall start to make my indefinite future. But I know what it really is it’s time to spend with daddy. Yes yes and yes.

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