Twitter: March 13, 2014 in Book One: The Not So Daily Briefs 2014

  • March 14, 2014, 1:13 a.m.
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I have a twitter account but… I don’t use it. Partly because I’m a control freak, partly because I want to work for the Government. I shit you not, the average American Citizen believes that a politician needs to crap Communion Wafers and breathe Purity. It’s a shame because… if someone is skilled enough to cover up their past… at least, cover it up enough to get elected.... that just means they are GOOD at being shitty.

This place will essentially be a “Days Worth of Twitter” postings… if I were to use my twitter account. AND if that Twitter Account were not specifically edited to cover “harmful truths.” EVERYBODY needs SOMEPLACE where they can be honest.... it is just… heartbreaking that my place has to be anonymously and online.

1) I don’t know if it shows how much I respect my brother, or how much I hate myself. But when I play an RPG style game; I usually make a character based on him AND a character based on me. HIS character is strong, tough, morally upstanding. MY character is stealthy, tricky, and devious. Whereas his character will charge into a problem, War Hammer swinging; mine will sneak into a room and allow the problem to get worse until I can insinuate myself into the issue.

2) Dammit. How sad is it when AS A MALE your emotions keep you from enjoying porn. Shit like this is probably why my wife calls ME the woman in our relationship.

3) Between the abject poverty, my schedule, and my wife? I can’t understand how I’m even able to withstand the crushing loneliness.

4) The most frustrating thing in the world is: looking at my wife. Because I see her and I feel so strongly– this is the woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with. YET… I simultaneously realize what that is likely to cost me and… I’m consumed with the shrieking thought “IT ISN’T FAIR!”

5) I haven’t eaten all day. I’m heating the oven to make a pizza because it is either Pizza or Egg Sandwich. I’m going to make Egg Sandwich for Wife because she likes them so much. Yet… why do I feel that I’m going to get yelled at for eating pizza?!

6) Just read about “Promise” trying to kill himself. As long as people are ABLE to take advantage of people and hurt them; they WILL. Is it any wonder why I want to be a prosecutor and make shit-suckers like Noh accountable for their illegal actions! #eSportsGamblingScandal

7) This makes me weep: (from Facebook Suicide Prevention Australia) “One awesome thing about Eeyore is that even though he is basically clinically depressed, he still gets invited to participate in adventures and shenanigans with all of his friends. And they never expect him to pretend to feel happy, they just love him anyway, and they never leave him behind or ask him to change.”

8) Far too often people ask, “CK- what is your biggest fear?” I refuse to tell them and joke that it is because “I don’t want (them) using it against me” but really? My biggest fear is dishonoring the family name by being such a phenomenal failure that I would no longer be welcome at family functions.

Last updated January 05, 2016

Fawkes Gal March 14, 2014

I noticed the same thing that Mace did, that you immediately faulted yourself for being a "man" and feeling emotional. We're all people and we all have emotions. I think this "be man" crap that males have forced on them from the time they're babies is tragic. Boys are told to "be a man" and be tough and hide any non-manly emotions like sorrow or grief, while girls are told to "act like a lady" and be nice and polite and keep their aggressive emotions like anger and hate hidden. It's tragic that both of the genders are pigeon-holed like that.

For #4, can I ask WHY you feel like you want to spend the rest of your life with your wife? I'm just genuinely curious because I haven't read anything yet about her that's positive, other than the fact that you love her. I'm just curious what's driving this feeling you have? Do you want to spend the rest of your life with her just because she's "your wife" or do you feel a genuine connection with her?

I feel like the only place I can be myself entirely is online and anonymously too. It is kind of sad, but I think a lot of people are guilty of it. I think it's human nature to want to hide the sides of our personality that we aren't as proud of.

<h1>7 is now going to make me imagine my husband as Eeyore. I wonder if that may even help me to put up with him more?</h1>
Park Row Fallout Fawkes Gal ⋅ March 15, 2014

Lots of great stuff here... I've been going back and forth on it and... I think I may genuinely have to dedicate 2 entries to you/this note. :)

Tempestuous1 March 16, 2014

Ditto to the above! :)

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