NoJoMo 14 in NoJoMo 2019

  • Nov. 14, 2019, 8:06 a.m.
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  • Public

Another survey. There is a real entry one back.

10 Things
10 things about your appearance (clothes, face, hair, height, smile, piercings, tattoos):
1. I am 5’6
2. I wear glasses
3. I have contacts but I prefer my glasses on days at home
4. I have 12 tattoos.
5. My hair and eyes are the same color, like, exactly.
6. My ears are pierced.
7. I have a single dental implant but definitely need more.
8. I normally don’t break out but when I do it’s only right under my chin.
9. I wear fake nails, but I do the healthy dip powder. I do this because my anxiety manifests itself, physically, by making me pick at my scalp, which leads to bleeding
10. My little toes are strange. It’s genetic. If I am barefoot and I walk through a puddle, then onto dry land, I won’t leave a little toe print from my right foot.

10 things you do every single day:
1. Dishes
2. Change my undies
3. Drink 100ozs of water
4. Sing worship.
5. Read
6. Brush my teeth
7. Talk to Liam
8. Watch TV
9. Eat something
10. Sleep

10 things about your personality:
1. I’m emotional, less so since the surgery but then those hormones get all funky
2. I fear being left.
3. I’m often alone, and only sometimes lonely
4. Unless I’ve got a little alcohol in me I’m pretty shy with new people, but once I start talking I don’t stop.
5. Consequentially, I am an over-sharer
6. I like most people but when I dislike you, there’s normally a good reason.
7. I can only spend so much time doing nothing and then I need to get out, similarly, once I’m done being out of the house I need to go…right then.
8. I cannot listen to people chew, sometimes even listening to myself sets me off. I do everything I can to eat the least loud foods possible.
9. I am fairly forgiving, but if you hurt a loved one or you abuse my kindness I will drop you, please see #6
10. I’m a woman of Faith. I am not shy about my relationship with Christ.

10 of your favorite foods:
1. Chicken vindaloo
2. Well cooked bacon
3. Olives
4. Pretzels/Popcorn with lots of salt
5. Reeses holiday shapes
6. Cheese
7. Guac but I can’t eat it anymore
8. Oranges
9. Good fries
10. Bagels

10 things about your family:
1. I have one younger sister. She’s pretty much my whole life.
2. My parents are amazingly hard workers who never fail to make sure we have all the things we need.
3. My grandfather, paternal, passed away on the day I turned 6 months, I’m sad I never got to know him. My grandmother married him knowing he had MS and she’s one of the strongest women I know. She never remarried.
4. My grandfather, maternal, passed away when I was in high school, Liam was visiting, at first I thought my mom was joking because I didn’t think there was any way he would pass away.
5. My gram was my best friend. She passed away a few years ago. I miss her every day.
6. I used to be really close to my mom’s side of the family but now I’m closer with my dad’s. Strange how that works sometimes.
7. I have two of the most adorable nephews in the world.
8. I am very close with my family and sometimes living away from them is hard.
9. I am the second oldest grandchild on each side of my family, both older cousins are girls.
10. I haven’t met all of my cousins.

10 things about your love interest:
1. Liam is stoic, most of the time, and so people rarely see him express himself emotionally.
2. When he does allow himself to be full of emotion, he’s more amazing than you can imagine. Anger, love, sadness, it doesn’t matter what emotion he’s showing, it’s strong and it’s something you need to see.
3. He’s smart. Like, MENSA smart.
4. He’s generous with his money and sometimes not as generous with his time.
5. He loves to troll me, to the point of me being angry, because he thinks it’s cute when I am mad. Lately he’s taken to playing music on the Alexa’s in our home....he’s in another state right now
6. He loves me. I know that sounds like maybe something obvious. But as someone who doesn’t/hasn’t really felt worthy of that love, it’s life-altering to know.
7. He says that I’m his favorite. Even if we’re having a busy day/week/month or he’s stressed with work he always finds time to tell me that, it’s almost better than hearing I love you. Also, he provides the best elementary school kisses. We’re not making out people but he always finds some way to be physical.
8. He’s a fast driver, like a teenager. It’s terrifying. I normally read or sleep if we’re on a car ride longer than 30 minutes.
9. He was there for me even when I didn’t deserve him to be there. He’s never thrown my poor decisions back at me, even though they affected him.
10. He’s funny, and sometimes just super silly, and those are the times that I’m glad I get to see him every day, whenever I want, which is something I hope to never take for granted.

10 things you absolutely hate:
1. Having to be PC
2. Politics, though I do engage in the system by voting
3. Slow drivers.
4. Loud/Noisy chewing
5. Stereotyping
6. People who continually cancel plans
7. People who bitch they are never invited places but then never accept the invitation when it comes
8. Sand.
9. When you can’t clear your throat.
10. Body Odor

10 things you love:
1. Liam, family, friends,
2. Tattoos
3. Harry Potter
4. The Internets
5. Movies, going to the movies
6. Flowers
7. A soft warm towel after the shower
8. Swimming in a pool
9. The smell of rain
10. Hearing the ocean.

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