Work related things. (Happy!) in Hello.

  • Sept. 21, 2019, 2:07 a.m.
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I asked my manager about the prospect of me being kept on after my contract is up. Obviously I want the lady I’m covering for to make a full recovery and to come back, but I’d still like to know where I stand on the job front.
My colleagues are all rooting for me, it’s obvious that I’m liked. I get gently ribbed, I’ve been given nicknames, and one colleague is always sad when we’re not in together! A couple of them have said that the company will probably keep me on, that staff on temporary contracts are never temporary and that it would be silly of the company to invest so much time and energy into my training if they were just going to get rid of me at the end of my contract.
My manager couldn’t tell me either way. He said if it was up to him, he’d keep me on in a heartbeat. But it’s not up to him, the company needs to balance the numbers and whatnot and decide whether or not it’s feasible. My manager is leaving now, as well as the other member of staff, so I’d have thought there would be the hours available. But ultimately it’s impossible for him to say either way.
Mid October I should find out.
Yesterday I took a tour out. There was one lady on my tour who was lovely. She was friendly with one of my colleagues, Sarah. When we checked her in, it was obvious she knew her personally. On the tour, she was chatty and kept using my name when she was asking questions (which I like. It shows people are listening to me, as I don’t wear a name badge yet). At the end of the tour she asked me if the owner, Paul, was about as she had an appointment with him. I didn’t really think anything of it and said I knew he was on site and my colleague went to find him. When she’d left, I told Sarah that her friend was lovely, and she replied “she is, isn’t she? She’s the Visit England rep!” Twenty minutes later Paul came back into the shop, big grin on his face.
“Have you heard the news?”
“No, what?”
“Visit England have just given us our highest ever score! We scored 95%!!”
My colleague Simon pushed me towards Paul and said “this is her, this is the star who took her on the tour!”
Paul shook my hand while I blushed a deep crimson colour, he thanked me, then left, still grinning.
Apparently we’re the only distillery to get a gold rating with Visit England, this is our third year on the trot, and I’ve scored the highest!
After that, every time Simon was booking people on a tour, he’d point over to me and tell them they were with their star tour guide! :)
I was on cloud nine after that. The day had started off pretty crap because my budgie had died the night before, so that more than made up for it.

Last updated September 21, 2019

~Twinkle~ September 21, 2019

Sorry about your budgie but well done on star tour guide xx

Bomb Shell September 21, 2019

Wow well done you! They’d be fools not to keep you on after that. I need to come on one of your tours.

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ September 21, 2019

Yes you do! I'm a superstar now, you know! 😂

celador September 21, 2019

Fantastic! Well done xxx

Lucretia September 22, 2019

So sorry about your budgie, but amazing news about the Visit England rating - go you!

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