Morning Time is Best Time in The Past

  • Oct. 23, 2019, 6:50 a.m.
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I think my favorite time of day is the early morning. One of my daily “chores” is to pick Mom up from work… she gets off at 4am, which means I’m up at 3:30 to make her coffee and go grab her from the casino. it’s a pain in the ass to wake up at this time, especially since I usually don’t get to sleep till around 11 or so, that way I get a little time with Eru in the evening, but that time between coming back home with Mom and going back to sleep is golden. I love how no one else is really up and moving at this time, how I can pretty much ghost around the house and do what I want. Granted, normally that means just having a snack and reading the Discord chatter from the night before, or listening to music or Youtube, but the fact that I can do it and not have to worry about anything is pretty nice. Even the Guinea Pigs are asleep.

There’s a lot of family drama going on right now – not with my household, but Dad and Debbie and everything. Over the wedding time, Dad and Debbie told a friend of mine who came from New Jersey and stayed with them that if he wanted to move up this way / needed to get away from NJ and start a new life here, they’d help him out and let him stay with them and the like. Squiggs took them at face value and when he got home, he started getting things together to come back to WA to stay. When Debbie heard, she started getting things ready for him, and Dad balked and started sperging out.

We knew he was waiting for an excuse to leave Debbie and make it seem like her fault, and that this was his way out, but I didn’t expect the amount of vitriol that he’s been spewing – to the point that he’s pretty much told me that he disowns me and that I’m no longer his daughter, blah blah blah. Screw him for that.

Squiggs is staying on our couch right now while things get settled with Dad and Debbie – she’s leaving him. He thinks everything’s okay since she’s stop arguing with him daily, but she’s just biding her time. –shakes her head– It’s too crazy. But Squiggs is doing good, he got here Monday night and is getting his resume together today to start the great job search. There’s a lot of jobs in this area for someone who doesn’t mind manual labor and who has a good work ethic, both of which describe Squiggs to a T.

That’s pretty much most of what’s on my mind these days – the only other thing is the fact that I’m working on getting chainmaile stuff together for the holiday season, wooo. I’ll have to take pictures of the new stuff. :) There’s some really cool stuff going on.

Last updated February 03, 2022

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