feb 28 in --

  • Feb. 28, 2014, 5:38 p.m.
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  • Public

Cannon's surgery went well, his top four teeth look great. he was groggy and tired at first, but that wore off and he was his normal, playing self by 12.30. he ate some yogurt and mashed up bananas but he can eat normally now. he has been napping for over three hours now. he really needed it. he got no sleep last night.

I'm so relieved this is done with.

Now we have to focus moving tomorrow. we don't have much packed, so we have to get it done tonight, even if we have another night of no sleep. I just napped with Cannon and took a two-hout nap, so I'm better than earlier, but I'm still really worn out... I will have to push through, the movers are going to be here at 8am. :/

It is also going to be bitterly cold. and snowing.

I will just be glad when it is over and we have a place to really live in again!

NeonLady February 28, 2014

Glad to hear that it went well!

Deleted user February 28, 2014

What exactly was wrong with his teeth? I dont think I read that part >.> I cant find it.

martian princess Deleted user ⋅ February 28, 2014

I may not have said because everyone was asking and I assumed I wrote about it. Oops! He had some decay on his top four teeth and he needed caps.

Nomad of the North February 28, 2014

Argh. I hate moving.

TrippyNina March 01, 2014

Sounds like you have a lot going on! I hope the move goes smooth. I hate moving. Lol. Glad to hear the surgery went well. :-)

Fawkes Gal March 03, 2014

I'm glad it went well! I'm sure it was very nerve wracking for you!

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