Too much going on in hi
- March 22, 2015, 1:32 p.m.
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I don’t even know if I wrote in here that we finally sold our old house and bought a little horse property in Maryland. So if I look outside, right over there ------> I can see Sugar.
She’s figured it out, too. If the garage door opens, she’s at the fence waiting for a carrot. This is awesome except with the snow and rain the lawn is a mudpit and I hate to walk across on my way to work.
We’ve lived here for about 6 months and the remodel bug has hit. We are currently installing headboard over the (hideous) wallpaper under the chairrail. While there are a lot of good things about this house–wallpaper is not one of them. So, hubby is cutting and attaching headboard and I am painting it and the chair rail and toe molding.
My big redo was the gas fireplace…think 90’s computer beige with creepy rough yellow brick hearth–installed with really BAD mortaring. It’s now a black fireplace, and though i hate the idea of painting brick, in this case it’s worked out and is a nice dark grey even color.
Life is nice here–small town America at it’s best. We are at the very end of a development of 15 houses, yet we are not part of (read-do not need to comply with the regulations of) them. Some mysterious angel comes back and plows us out when it snows–no idea who it is.
Work is good, busy, but happy–not stressful. I still love my new job–I’m not QUITE the ‘new girl’ any more.
Went to a different hair person because mine is on maternity....good news is: Hair grows!!
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