Political Meme in Book Six: Trying to Hold On 2019

  • Oct. 7, 2019, 9:27 p.m.
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So… Trump has just screamed (YET AGAIN) that he is too invested in his own businesses to care about America. Trump Tower Istanbul is more important than supporting the Kurds who have been instrumental to our fight against ISIS. So… hooray for that bullshit. Can we just be done with this guy? I mean… I know we can’t. My Trumpist Cousin posted the ultimate in apocalyptic doomsaying today:

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Are you… fucking kidding me?! Honestly, seeing something this… disconnected with reality… would seem funny to me if I didn’t personally know dozens of people that honestly believe this. And do you know what scares me the most? The people clinging to this over the top, exaggerated, fear-mongering bullshit… are the ones who claim the Democrats hate America and the Constitution… but these folks have never READ the Constitution… they’ve never heard of the Federalist Papers. They want to tear down Roe v. Wade but they can’t articulate the specific holdings of the case (and “Legal abortion” is not the correct answer there). Again… it would be honestly humorous to me if it wasn’t so bloody real.

Immigration Reform that doesn’t treat everyone of a different skin color as a criminal? That’s what is being requested. Migrant Worker programs? That is what is being requested. And what these people still don’t seem to grasp?!?! These “mass waves of illegal immigration threatening our homes and jobs?” NOT illegal border crossings. The majority of undocumented individuals in this country came in (1) via plane and (2) have overstayed their visas… whether work, education, travel, etcetera. THAT is where your “huge migrant numbers” come from. That is where a majority of the terrorist activity has come from. As to illegals and the cartel? Yeah. That is a big problem. Cartel activity should be attacked. Through our criminal justice system; not our Border and Immigration system.

China as an economic power is not why we should fear that paper tiger. China as a global polluter, as an aggressive intelligence influence, as a massive army… THAT is where we should fear China. As far as economics go? How can I put this… never get into a snowball fight with an Inuit. China has been economically oppressing its own people for hundreds of years. To suddenly wake up and say, “Heeeey. That’s not niiice.” because it impacts our own bottom line is bullshit. You really want to do something about debt with China? Remove tax breaks from companies that don’t have “a significant portion of their labor force in the United States”… let’s say 40% or more. Sorry, Apple… you may have to pay taxes this year. The argument in return is “But then Apple leaves!” Which I love debating. If a company pulls all of its physical capitol and investment out of the United States because we required that LESS THAN HALF of their labor come from the United States? Then them leaving isn’t a “jobs creation” issue. It’s a “Lobbying and Government Money” issue. And if you ask me which is more important? I’d rather Americans have jobs instead of politicians receiving millions in donations. If I have to choose between the two, I’ll make that choice every day.

The destruction of ISIS? REALLY!? Trump supporters still think Trump gives a shit about ISIS? Trump leaked confidential troop movements of allies against ISIS. Trump routinely insults, belittles, and attacks our allies against ISIS. Trump has repeatedly taken the side of dictators and tyrants with (albeit loose) financial ties to ISIS. Trump invited the Taliban to Camp David the week of 9/11! And just today, in another wonderful DICK MOVE, he’s totally screwed one of our great allies in the war against ISIS because it suits his business portfolio. No, friends. Trump doesn’t give a shit about stopping ISIS. That is certain.

The Constitution will no longer exist? Aren’t you the same assholes who still get pissed off about the 13th Amendment… and the 14th Amendment… and the 1st Amendment… and the 4th Amendment… and the 6th Amendment… and the 19th Amendment.... I mean… honestly… I hear Trumpists bitch about the Constitution as a document all the time, but when discussing specific portions of it… they’re angry and demanding I’m making shit up.... DESPITE THE FACT that, when it comes to the Constitution… my Law Degree trumps their Animal Science Degree. If we were discussing the best way to cure a pig of a fatal illness, I’d listen to them. When it comes to understanding what is actually in the Constitution… maybe listen to the guy that had to read it several times year after year while also debating the Supreme Court cases that helped to define certain potentially vague interpretations from it.
If you think that the United States should spend federal dollars on a Christian Convert the Gays program; you don’t understand the First Amendment.
If you think police should be able to stop and search anyone that looks suspicious or go into anyone’s house because they look a certain way and may be up to criminal shenanigans; you don’t understand the Fourth Amendment.
If you think we should torture child molesters and then kill them in a painful and public fashion… you wouldn’t be alone in that thought; but you don’t understand the Sixth Amendment.
Seriously. The entire idea that Democrats will “destroy our constitution”?! I grew up hearing my dad say it. But in my lifetime? No one, not Democrat or Republican or Libertarian has done as much damage to the Rule of Law via the Constitution as Donald Trump. Seriously.

And this fear mongering, hateful, rabid bullshit about Muslims and radical Islam? My dude… that narrative is old, hackneyed, played out, and false for the United States. Yes, there are radicals who seek to kill us. First and foremost on that list is White Supremacists. Second is Militant Anarchists. Third is Gun Toting Proud Bois and Angry Men. Fourth: Religious extremists. NOT just Muslims in that category. If a Christian kills a Muslim because of Faith, that is religious extremism. If a Christian writes laws to intentionally harm atheists, that is religious extremism.

But… no. The Trumpists don’t see a world of logic, or law, or reason. When they support shit like the above? They support fear, and hatred, and ignorance. And that isn’t what this country should be about. I don’t care if it was what this country has been about… we are the United States of America. And if we want to call ourselves the Greatest Country on Earth? We had better start acting like it.

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