dr visit results in Second 1st

  • Sept. 24, 2019, 10:15 p.m.
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I woke early.... Rocky had set an alarm for 3, I had one for myself for 3:30.... I woke at 3 and cussed when another went off at 3:15. I was already at the computer when mine went off at 3:30. I woke Rocky at 4 and we were out of the house by 5. Traffic was non existent, which is what we were aiming for. However, we were more than an hour early for the first appointment for the hearing test. We got a great parking spot and opted to just chill in the car, games on phones listening to the radio. 6:25 I decided to start on a list of things I wanted to bring up. Watford was first and as soon as I wrote his name down Rocky thought it was a good time to go up to the office.

It didn’t open till 7 but we had gone up anyway. Then we went outside and sat on a bench. The air was slightly crisp and it was amazing! The breeze chilled me and I actually wished I had a hoodie with me. It was wonderful.

Hearing hasn’t changed in the 6 months since the last one. I still have nothing in my right and my left is perfect.

Finally got to Watford about the migraines. He said a ton of things that clicked.... and suddenly I see it all very different. Well, not very different but I understand sooo much better.... really with just a couple things. Apparently you can have a migraine without a headache. This would be the cause of the dizzy feeling. After the gent shot I shouldn’t have had any dizziness at all and therapy only treated half … to a third of my issues. It was agitating the migraines.... causing my head to hurt… where headaches hadn’t been an issue before therapy even though I could have been having migraines before therapy started. It was so great to hear a doctor say “the therapy didn’t do much and made you feel horrible right”. VALIDATION!

Some thing he said … many doctors see the gent shot as a cure to Meniere’s.... This is because you literally eliminate the nerve that is sending the signal for vertigo. The other symptoms are still there … ear fullness, the horrible random noises in my ear.... but the dizziness like drunken … should not be there.

I thought when I went up in April to have testing that Dr. Labidie was confirming Meniere’s .... it’s not curable … that is not at all what he did.... I thought we were treating Meniere’s this whole time.... I thought the dizziness/drunken feeling was from that..... I was wrong.

When I went into Labadie’s office I said “I have a list of things I wanted to talk to you about but I’ve figured most of it out. I’d like to go over it with you and have you correct me if I’m wrong on things.” Sounded good to him so.... it was the fastest easiest visit ever and I’ve walked away with a different understanding of where I am..... and more modifications to what I eat....

Watford has an actual plan for figuring out what triggers it to get so bad.... and medication for when I’m bad off with nausea/headache.... and lastly will back me if it gets so bad I have to leave work. That being said I canceled the visit to Wissing tomorrow and plan to go to work in the morning to start that ball rolling and return this Friday!

Now that I have a plan again I’m a bit excited to go back. Now that I don’t feel like it’s me (PPPD) being anxious.... thinking myself dizzy. sigh those thoughts weren’t healthy....

Watford had a ton of suggestions on how to reduce the migraines and I’m willing to try anything really because that means reducing dizziness. This includes oddly enough .... extreme predictability lol.... eat at the same time everyday.... sleep at the same time everyday.... that kinda thing.... so this should be fun.... Alarm time.

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