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  • June 30, 2019, 11:18 p.m.
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Stolen from a friend :)

Current book: The Apology by Eve Ensler. She’s the woman who wrote The Vagina Monologues. In this book she writes an apology to herself in the voice of her father who sexually abused her. In real life he’s dead and was ruthless toward her until the day he died. She wrote this from his perspective to try to understand what happened to him to make him that way, and to find some peace about what he did to her.

Current movie: I think the last movie I watched was the Elton John biopic, which I thought was pretty good. A movie I want to watch again soon is Call Me By Your Name. First of all, it’s got the best soundtrack (Sufjan Stevens!). But it’s just very emotional and powerful and I haven’t been able to totally get it out of my head.
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Current TV show: I have caught up on Big Little Lies, and have been watching a lot of My 600 Lb Life. I find My 600lb Life to be the most fascinating shit ever. It’s about extremely obese people and this one doctor who runs a program to fix their life. It’s more documentary style than a sensationalized reality show, and you get to see a lot of real pain, suffering, and dysfunction. It has me alternating from being almost physically ill, to being envious of all the ridiculous food they get to eat.

Current music: Very obsessed with “The Coast” by Paul Simon. I am SO conflicted about him as a person, but goddamn do I love his music like no other.
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Current food: Um.. all of it? I would probably say Indian food, though. I made some dal today and ate it with Trader Joe’s garlic naan.

Current goals: Get a promotion, and become more fit.

Current wish-list: Contentment, happiness, stability.

Current triumphs: After having a terrible Saturday, I turned things around today and had a long and satisfying day.

Current excitement: There is a group bike ride next Saturday I am strangely excited for.

Current gratitudes: My cozy life and having the means to take care of myself properly.

Current picture:

Current weather: Today it was sunny and about 80. It’s now 11 pm so it’s cooled down a bit.

Best thing that has happened to me lately: Despite it exhausting me, I have had some really nice moments with friends. There have been times lately where I have thought “wow, I’m so lucky to have spent time with so many different groups of great people today”

Current mood : Pretty okay. I am not looking forward to these few days of work.

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