just normal stuff in Second 1st

  • Sept. 3, 2019, 6:39 a.m.
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Last couple of days have been okay but I feel like stuff happened to write about so....

It’s been a quiet weekend really. Todd and his son came to mow Sunday. It was a 3 week growth on most of the yard and eventually they ran out of gas. Seriously this kinda ticked me off not on them though.

Eddie had borrowed the mower. He does that because well the ex gf took everything including the lawn mower. He had borrowed it like … Wednesday?… I asked a few things of Rocky on Thursday “Could you get the mower from Eddie’s, make sure the gas can is full, and spray the yard for bugs today” “Sure”.... he had asked Eddie about the mower, supposedly checked the gas can and actually did spray the yard.

Sunday I had to go ask Eddie about the mower. He brought it over before the guys got here so that worked out. However, is was missing the gas cap. Which irritates me so much.... like it’s not as if he was unaware. He put aluminum foil and a rubber band on it! It’s the fact that he neglected to say anything. Todd had told me. .... They mowed but due to the the length of the grass… and running out of gas… well they came back yesterday.

Oh yeah and I told Todd if he can find this journal he can read it.... I tell everyone that and no one ever takes me up. Sad really. I mean if anyone I regularly interacted with said something like that I’d be all over it. Mostly because a journal is not nearly as fake and FB.

I was disappointed.... 2 days in a row and no hugs :(. Which is honestly strange and I would swear not my fault.

Yesterday went .... mixed.... I woke with a severe headache.... got up to do 5am Justin’s got 1.... tried to stay up but the pain was too severe and I went to lay back down my 6:30. Managed to get out in time for 7ams and again got 1.... gave up for the day.... tried to nurse my head. Went out to get something to eat in heavy sunglasses at 10:30 with Rocky and to get a gas cap. Came home and wasn’t too long before Todd got here. It was great! He had a plan to get the riding lawn mower back up and running so he worked on that while his son mowed and BAM! So now the rider is back up!… I won’t cut him on the money by telling him we don’t need him anymore but that will cut the mowing time and next year Rocky can go back to doing it. I gave him an extra $30 for the fix.

After they left, Rocky and I went to Wendy’s for dinner. Really I wanted one of those berry burst salads.... only to find they are now “out of season”.... On our way over Rocky took a ramp way too fast and I pointed it out. I mean like speed limit 35 and he’s edging 55 I was honestly a little scared. I mentioned it and he waved it off. “Well, as I recall you told me you hit a wall once in your first truck from speeding on a ramp. I’m just saying you should watch your speed more carefully.” Mind you this is not the first time I reminded him of that.... and I wasn’t there he had just told me about it. It had happened long before we met. One time I had reminded him and he actually thanked me. Not this time though… this time was “I’ll never tell you anything ever again”..... right because he doesn’t bring stuff up to me anytime he can?.... sigh I didn’t talk through dinner.... or the ride home… he had asked “do we need anything while we are out” and I said “Probably should get some groceries being as we’ve eaten out twice today there is obviously nothing we want at home”..... as he drove by Wal-Mart and on to the house. I went to bed when we got home. My head had started to hurt again and I had no reason to be up.

I laid in the dark, awake, irritated for 3 1/2 hours. When he came to bed he asked if it was my head again “partially, partially the amount of things I need to do tomorrow.” “What are we doing tomorrow?” “I have to get to the shipping place when they open. Then I’m going to hit Publix to make sure there wasn’t anything we missed this week on BOGO, bring that home and go to Wal-Mart for groceries being as you didn’t want to go on the way home.” “We can go now if you’d like.” “I’ll just do it in the morning, good-night” It was another long bit before I fell asleep. Rocky got back up before I did fall asleep, though I have no idea why or what time he went to sleep.

So this morning I have to rewash some cloths that had been in the washer that I couldn’t do yesterday because of the excruciating headache. Then dry them.... fold/hang them.... after the 7am Justin’s I’ll run to the shipping place and Publix. Hopefully home before the 9’s with time to unload the dishwasher, put the little bit of dishes in there. Then to WM to get the majority of groceries and come home .... I’d like to get something thrown in the crock-pot for dinner tonight. I honestly hope he gets up and comes to WM with me but I doubt it .... that means we will have to do groceries again on Thursday.... also, I’ve got to decide what I’m fixing for Kerri and Joseph tomorrow night and get that....

At least my head doesn’t hurt like it did yesterday… so I’ll probably be okay.

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