41 questions. in Second 1st

  • Aug. 30, 2019, 5:46 a.m.
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  • Public

  1. Do you like blue cheese? Nope.
  2. Coke or Pepsi? I don’t drink soda at all and if I have to I prefer the clear stuff
  3. Do you own a gun? No, I scare easily. Rocky does though and I’m glad for it.
  4. What flavor of Kool-Aid? um, not orange
  5. Hot dogs? mmm I shouldn’t though cause sodium.
  6. Favorite TV show? I don’t really watch TV. I mean I pick something and binge it. Gonna watch the Dark Crystal prequal thing soon
  7. Do you believe in ghosts? I feel them, I hear them.... either they are real or I’m crazy … I”m going with the former.
  8. What do you drink in the morning? Crystal Light Peach Mango green tea
  9. Can you do a push-up? a yes, more than one nope lol.
  10. Favorite Jewelry? 3 rings that I hardly wear because I”m afraid they will get lost.
  11. Favorite Hobby? Diamond painting!
  12. Do you have ADD/ADHD? Thank God no. Dealing with Rocky’s is enough for me.
  13. Do you wear glasses? yes, but I only need them when I drive in places I have to read street signs.
  14. Favorite cartoon character? freakazoid
  15. Three things you did today? Ate breakfast, 3am Justin’s, put on cloths.
  16. Drinks you drink all the time? Crystal Light Peach Mango Green Tea ....
  17. Current worries? returning to work, both not ready and because I haven’t worked since Jan.
  18. Do you believe in magic? Not really, but I believe we don’t nearly use the capacity our brains can comprehend. Some people have more ability to do so and to the rest of us it’s magical.
  19. Favorite place to be? At my diamond painting table.
  20. How did you bring in the New Year? Sleeping if I was lucky.
  21. Where would you like to visit? Ireland, Germany and some super blue water I won’t drown in.
  22. Favorite Color? Purple, the color of royalty.
  23. Favorite movies? Princess Bride… that’s all that I can think of right now. There are a lot that I watch every time they’re on.
  24. What’s the last thing that made you laugh? Mia and her eyebrows.
  25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Lol I don’t think I ever have.
  26. Can you whistle? Sort of.... not super loud though.
  27. Where are you? Home, desktop is set up in the dining room.
  28. Where would you rather be right now? Sleeping. I’m always up way to early. It’s only 4:30 and I’ve already been up an hour and a half.
  29. Favorite food? rice
  30. Least favorite chore? All of them.
  31. What’s your greatest asset? Um, My ability to take shit.
  32. What’s in your pockets? Empty, as if women’s pockets would hold anything.
  33. Last thing that you made? packet of instant grits w/cheese and a hard boiled egg
  34. Favorite animal? Quokka or a Red Panda
  35. What’s your most recent injury? Likely cutting my finger doing something.
  36. How many TVs are in your house? 1
  37. Worst pain ever? migraine
  38. Do you like to dance? no
  39. Are your parents still alive? yes
  40. Do you enjoy camping? No, was forced to a ton as a kid in civil war garb and will never do it on purpose.
  41. Name 3 people that will play along: If you wanna swipe it, go for it.

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