Snowman in My this and that

  • March 11, 2014, 3:44 a.m.
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  • Public

Today I am thankful for the warmer weather. It made this weekend all that more enjoyable!

On Friday night we had a surprise visit from Melissa and her mom from out of town. I went to high school with Melissa, and Ben and I attended her wedding this past summer. It was good to see them. I baked a cake and we enjoyed a lovely chat.

Saturday morning we met up with Jordan and Kailey and Jordan, some friends from our small group, and we all headed out to my parents' place for the weekend. Mom and Dad are away, so we had a lovely time just the four of us. The guys plowed the driveway, and we did a bit of upkeep for my parents. We relaxed a lot. They guys played video games and shot guns; us girls played in the snow and relaxed. We played games, did puzzles, ate lots of food. On Sunday afternoon the four of us geared up and made snowmen! One for each of us. It was a hoot! They were all so different, and we put our own personality on each; mine had eyelashes, Kailey's had the sweetest face, Jordan's had a defined jaw line with a beard and everything, and Ben's was throwing up the metal horns while wearing his jacket.

On the drive home yesterday evening we were all exhausted. The snow was SO deep, up to our waists in some parts, and playing out there in the fresh air was hard work! But so fun.

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