Say Something ... in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • March 6, 2014, 9:18 p.m.
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I love, love, love this song. But I love this cover even more. I've been a big fan of Pentatonix since they first premiered on The Sing Off. So them doing this song gives me all kinds of warm fuzzies! lol

Since my high school days and singing in the high school choral group and the jazz choir they had, A cappella has been a huge favorite of mine. It just calls to me for some reason. When they started showing The Sing Off, I was a happy, happy Sassy. I've been glued to every episode, every season and I'm anxiously awaiting an announcement of the next season.

Well I survived working the sister hotel. I actually enjoyed myself and am looking forward to next week. My "trainer" was a bit slow, but I think it was mainly because he's not very good at training. He was "impressed" with how fast I was catching on to everything and after the 3rd time of telling him it was because I worked at the sister hotel, it finally dawned on him that this wasn't my first rodeo. Once he let that sink in, he decided to clock out for 2 hours and left me to my own devices. Of course he left his phone number in case I needed him. But I didn't. Go Sassy! Seriously though, the work was very similar. It helped that I already knew the computer system. Levi wasn't thrilled with leaving me his username/password but he had no choice since mine from the other property wouldn't work at this one (my hotel is not part of the huge chain that the sister hotel is so the computers aren't connected). I didn't have the heart to tell him that Bill, the owner, gave me his username/password. WHAT??? ::bug eyes:: Yep, you read that right. Bill called me as soon as I had clocked in to check in with me and to give me a heads up on what to expect and yada yada yada. After we hung up is when I remembered about my username/password so I sent him a quick text and he said if mine didn't work then to just use his till they could set me up. If y'all remember, Bill is the owner. So yeah, it felt really, really weird having that kind of powerful information. I've not told a soul about it either. Well, except for ya'll now LOL.

Seriously though, it was a good night. I felt very welcomed, by the staff and the guests. I felt like I 'belonged". It's been so long since I have had that feeling (since Rachel left our hotel) and it made me feel good. It felt like I had always been a part of their little family. I could so see myself leaving the property I am at now for this property.

When I walked in, Oscar greeted me and when I said who I was he was all. 'Ok, well Sassy, it is nice to meet you, yada yada yada." About that time 5 guys came in to check in. Apparently they stay one night every other week or something like that. They are regulars is all I know. Anyway, I was standing off to the side behind the counter staying out of the way when one of them looks over at me and says, "Why are you standing way over there? Afraid of us?" So I told him no, that I was just trying to stay out of the way. Then Oscar told them that I was new. The way Oscar said it made me realize he had no clue who I really was. So I put my hands on my hips and looked over at Oscar and said, "Excuse me? After all the poetic marriage proposals you have given me over the months, this is how you introduce me?" He kind of stared at me and then you could see the light go off in his brain and then he said, "Oh man! Sassy! You are THE Sassy! I feel like such an idiot! I am so sorry, Sassy!" And then he walked over to me, put his arms around me, dipped me backwards, kissed me on the cheek and lifted me back up and said, "There. Now that is a proper hello!" Of course the guys checking in thought that was a hoot and wanted to know if they could give me a "proper welcome greeting" also. Ha! I told them that they'd have to earn that privilege. So the ring leader of the group said, "Fair enough. Here, have a beer instead, as a proper token of our welcoming you to the night audit shift!" LOL I declined the beer and finally helped get them off to their rooms.

Amtrax runs through our little town. Once at 12:25 am (midnight) and then again at 5:25 am. The sister hotel has a contract with Amtrax to allow their train crew to sleep at this hotel. The ones coming in at midnight have to be back on the 5:25 am train. The ones getting off at 5:25 am are stuck at the hotel until midnight. And of course our hotel offers to take/pick up the Amtrax people so Levi was able to do that since I knew what I was doing, basically. I met 11 of the crew: 4 that left at midnight, 3 that came in at midnight & left at 5:25 and then 4 that came in at 5:25. They are a great bunch of people and they won't be forgetting about me anytime soon LOL.

All in all it was a successful experience. My hotel may be "home" to me but I could so see the sister hotel being my "home away from home" ... if need be.

Hubby is sick with the "Man Flu" and is on his death bed and probably won't survive the next 12 hours. Or so he tries to convince me. It's just allergies. But to him, it's his death warrant come calling. Give me a break, Dude. If he does die from it, it will be because I choked him to death, the damn sissy! Especially if he keeps me up again tonight with his damn hacking.

The next couple of days will be hectic. Tomorrow is preparing for the karate tournament on Saturday. I have a few more stars to sew on her gi shirt, then wash/iron the uniform. We have to wipe down all her sparring gear and repack it in the bag. I finally got her mouth guard properly set for her last night. I went today to buy our food/snacks/drinks for the trip/day so all I have to do is to put them in the cooler Sat. morning. I've been bagging ice all week so that we'll have plenty for the coolers, 1 for drinks/water, the other for the food.

She's been practicing her little heart out all week. I have to say I am impressed with her. The last tournament she acted like it was no big deal. She seems to be taking this one more seriously. Maybe because we went to it last year and it is huge and she understands that if she wants to place in any of her 3 competitions, she has to step up her * A * game. Her form and her weapon form (nunchucks) are pretty much spot on. Her instructor is pleased with it. Her sparring ... oh boy ... her sparring ... girlfriend is gonna whoop hiney. I was worried that she may not have the "mental" aspect for it just yet, especially with her being as shy as she is, but she has been proving me wrong. She sparred with a 250 lb. male adult brown belt yesterday and she didn't let his size intimidate her. Granted he went "easy" on her, but she put up a good fight with him. A couple of times I had to remind her not to use so much power because her competition is point sparring, not Olympic sparring, and if she uses too much force, they will deduct points that could cost her the competition. So I don't think I will have to be too concerned with some snot nosed 12 year old girl hurting my kid. I might be inclined to worry about the snot nosed 12 year old girl instead LOL.

Okay, I'm done. It's been a long day. I spent however many hours catching up on y'all. I didn't note everyone but I did read you. So don't think I didn't, you hear? I probably won't be back on till maybe Sunday. Worst case will be after midnight on Sunday night when I am at work.

Till next time ....

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