Untitled in meh...
- Aug. 6, 2019, 6:41 p.m.
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1) My nephew had a birthday lunch/gathering for his transition into teenhood. He’s is pretty ok to get along with. He doesn’t treat me funny anymore. That’s nice.
2) Daughter goes to court tomorrow. I’ve taken that day and the day after off work to see for myself what the outcome will be.
3) She’s been staying at my house for a couple of days since her electric is off. Had a blow up yesterday, I did, because she is who she is.
4) I proposed the idea of a Children’s Church. Then I was told that perhaps, I could be the one to broach the idea of it with my dad. It had been mentioned before and he has his reason why he said no, but if I tell him my idea about it and how it should be run, then perhaps it may work.
5) The Youth Department Sponsors and Supervisors had a meeting after church on Sunday and when I say some folks almost came to blows it was crazy. The previous night, the Ministers and Ministers Board had a come to Jesus meeting. All of these issues need to be brought to the forefront because in order to move forward and move onward and upward, we cannot hold any issues toward each other, Amen?
6) I keep wanting to be at home and clean my house, but I promise that when I’m home, I just want to relax. That’s the last thing I need to do. I’m barely there and I need to clean. ::smh:: it’s sad.
7) I wasn’t able to get a new vacuum cleaner. Don’t know when I’m going to get it now.
8) My cousin feels sorry for R.Kelly. She is one of his supporters. I never talk about him around her because I don’t want to hear the victim shaming that comes from her. He is a nasty, dirty old man. She does, however, find the “I’m an older man who loves ALL women” videos hilarious.
9) I’m no longer eating meat on special occasions. I said that and then there were like a million special occasions where I was eating meat. Now, until further notice, if I consume meat, it will be accidental. lol
10) On my last episode of Stranger Things, then need to binge watch iZombie since its over after this season.
I’m pretty sure there is more…but I think I will share later…if there is more.
Kindest regards,
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