mister mister in poetry

  • March 2, 2014, 3:59 p.m.
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  • Public

madness is only a gift if
you know how to keep a lid on it
if you know how to simmer that shit
channel it
keep it under control
most of the time

because if you can't
it's even worse than being normal
if you can't kept it under control
and use it as sporadic inspiration
if you can't
you're worse than an animal
you don't belong on a page
you belong in a cage

be part of a scene
but don't make a scene
don't be normal
but don't be insane
be Mr. In-Between

madness only gives us a lift
if you've only got a bit of it
let it be your storm's eye
but don't take it out on me, guy
have some fucking decorum
leave it on the stage
and know when it's appropriate
or go in a cage
and don't get out of it

know what scene
is a scene
if you know what I mean
be Mr. In-Between

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