An even keel in Dear John

  • March 9, 2014, 8:27 p.m.
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It's fair to say things have been up the wall this last couple of weeks. John has decided to go part time in his job to pursue setting up his own company doing leather repairs and restoration.

He's so single minded, he cannot multitask at all, and once he gets started on something, he forgets the rest of the works exists.

I want nothing more than for him to make a success of this. Ideally, he'd leave work altogether and have his own company doing something he's passionate about.

But the set up phase, man, hard work. For both of us. He's been doing it as a sideline for about six years, so he has all his equipment and the like, but when you're actually relying on it to make you a wage, you need to get serious. So he's been designing business cards, and flyers, his website is up and running, and he has six jobs in the diary this week alone.

It's been a stressful time, and hasn't left much time for us.

But this weekend, the business has been on hold, and we've reconnected. It's a tough one, I know how hard John is working, and how stressed he's been, and I don't want to be selfish. I know this won't be forever, all this planning phase, and once the flyers are done, they're done, once the business cards are done, they're done. But not seeing him, has been hard. Usually on the nights we don't see each other, we call each other when we're in bed and have a catch up, but he's been working so late that I've been asleep by the time he's been done.

I think preoccupied is the word. And rightly so, he's losing 8 days of work a month so he needs to make sure he can supplement his part time income with leather jobs.

It's been lovely to see so much of him this weekend tho. It's like we're us again. We've talked, had lots of sex, cuddled, laughed, actually slept in the same bed, been for dinner, we're heading to wales for the day today with the dogs, because it's actually warm!

He's just gone home to get the dog. And messaged me to see if I want him to bring me a bacon butty, 'wrapped carefully with love in tinfoil'! How cute is this boy!


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